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Weekly Leadership Livestreams




Most people muster up self-confidence everyday. Self-confidence to have challenging conversations with their employees, confidence to present to their board of directors, or confidence to deal with an angry client.

The problem is self-confidence is contingent upon external circumstances or other's behaviors or perceptions towards you. Self-confidence may help you accomplish a goal but it's self-worthiness that will create the fulfillment of your accomplishment. 

Tune in this week to learn why self-worthiness is the foundation of the work you'll do as a leader and how much more fulfilling your life and leadership practice can be!

Get full show notes and more information here:

Lead the Change


A new episode of The Dr. Denise Simpson podcast has been released today!

Ep. 142 Lead the Change

Click this link to listen to latest episode because no one else leads like you!

How to Keep Your Team Motivated During Uncertain Times


A new podcast episode has been released today!

Ep. 141 How To Keep Your Team Motivated During Uncertain Times

Click here to listen to latest episode because your team needs you now more than ever before


How Science Can Help You Lead Effectively


Science is life. It can help us live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Its use is critical to the longevity of our species on this planet.

It's why I'm a scientist at heart and incorporate it into every aspect of my life, including leadership.

On the latest episode of The Dr. Denise Simpson Podcast, I talk about the evolving nature of leadership and the critical role of science in fostering innovation in our practice.

I explain how you can use science to lead your teams more effectively.

Read on for a few examples.

Science teaches you how to think critically
A vital leadership skill across all industries is critical thinking.

In the American school system, we're taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think. We have standardized testing for most educational journeys, so we're prepared to pass a test.

Thinking critically requires collecting, processing, and synthesizing data to develop a satisfactory solution.

It's a complex process used every day.

Science teaches you how to solve...

The Art of Your Leadership


Join me for this conversation about the dynamic interplay between the science and art of leadership.

While science encompasses research-backed strategies and proven frameworks, the art lies in the unique expression of one's values, beliefs, and individual perspective in leadership.

Learn how your personal values and self-expression are integral components of effective leadership.

Highlighting values like respect, trust, and psychological safety will help shape your unique leadership approach.

Click here to listen to the full podcast episode #139.

[TRAINING] The Visionary Leader 2023


This is the live training for all visionary leaders wanting to take 2023 to new heights in their leadership! 

Tune in now to learn from Dr. Denise's experience coaching and training visionary leaders. 

[LIVESTREAM] Season of Empowerment


Welcome to the Lead w/ Intent livestream!

On today's livestream, I talk about the Season of Empowerment.

I share with you a simple step by step process to empower yourself to finish this year strong.

Tune in now to learn more!

And as always, I would love to serve you by sending you my weekly email with leadership coaching and training straight to your inbox.

Join my email list here: See you soon!

xo Dr. Denise #leadership #Leader #leadershipskills #leadershipdevelopment #leadermindset #leadershipcoach

[LIVESTREAM] Definition of Leadership


Welcome to the Lead w/ Intent livestream!

Today we revive a weekly livestream we did over 3 years ago.

That's right, it's been a long time coming AND we're back!

And how cool that we're able to livestream into YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook at the same time.

Wherever you're watching the replay, let me know in the comments!

On today's livestream, I talk about the new meaning and context of our show, Lead with Intent.

I also answer a VERY good question I was asked, "What is your definition of leadership?" You're going to want to watch my answer and adopt it for yourself. It's a GOOD one!

So, get ready to watch the replay and comment HELLO to let me know you're here.

And as always, I would love to serve you by sending you my weekly email with leadership coaching and training straight to your inbox.

Join my email list here: See you soon!

xo Dr. Denise #leadership #Leader #leadershipskills #leadershipdevelopment ...

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