I am so excited to talk about this new era that I have entered. It's an era that I am now in called simplification. I am moving away from being overworked. overwhelmed, overplayed, over-dramatized. I'm over all of that. And I'm moving into this new era of simplification. I want to simplify everything. my thoughts. I want to simplify how I feel. I want to simplify my relationships, simplify my business, simplify my leadership practice. I want to simplify my life. And it is because of this tremendous contrast that I have created for myself and for many decades. And now I'm entering an era of simplification. And it is so fun to now see everything through this filter of simplification. Just the other day, I had someone say, you know, we're going to do this and that, and we would love for your support. And we believe that you would be a great asset to this new campaign. And would you be interested? And I just, I used the filter. Is this simple? Because I know things aren't easy. Like I know the difference between simple and easy, right? Simple is straightforward. Simple is uncomplicated. It's super clear. However, easy is that little effort hmm yes easy should be little effort but what this person was doing was over complicating this making it so overwhelming and unclear for me to say yes plus I had to do work so it wasn't going to be easy either and I just said no that was the filter that I used it's not simple and this isn't easy and I don't need to do that. So thanks, but no thanks. It's not going to happen this season. This season is about just stripping away all of the conditions and patterns and bias and thoughts and all the things that have kept me in this constrained, overcomplicated, overwhelmed, overworked, overplayed season that I was in. It was more than a season, by the way, it was a whole era. And now I get to, because of my wisdom, because of my age, because of my impatience, because I know too much and I can't go back. You know, you know, when you know too much, you're like, girl, you know, too much. You just, you can't go back. You know, too much now, like we can't play dumb. We know too much. And I'm in this era of, Oh, I know too much. Now I want to simplify this glorious life, this one life that I have been given in this one temple, this structure that was given to me that houses my soul and all this wisdom and all this glory. I'm going to now start looking at life in this filter of simplification. Now, I didn't say boredom, right? Because some people go, oh, that's simple. You must have a boring life. Oh, no, it's actually so exciting because now I have stripped away all of the interesting neurological things and all the other biases that I've had. All that is just set aside. And now I get to enjoy this glorious, fruitful, delicious life because it's so simple. I now get to see the pureness of it. That's exciting to me. And I would hope that it is exciting for you. Because if that playbook has been played out. because you have been overplayed, overworked, overwhelmed, overcomplicated things, it's now time to drop that because you can let it go. You can drop it because I want for you to say to yourself, actually, I'm worthy of more. So how about I leave this era and enter into this new era of simplification? Here's why you want to do that. Here's why it's exciting. Because when you move into this era of simplification, you get to see the world in its glory in its in its pureness I mean you get to see things you weren't able to see because of all of the levels and layers of biases and neurological conditioning and all these interesting patterns right that that's what causes the overwhelm that's what causes the over judgment right judgment is pretty bad but y'all out here are doing a number on some people My goodness. How about we just step back and let's just simplify this simple, simple. It's like baking a cake, right? You get a cake mix. I mean, listen, I'm no baker or cook, but I can follow a recipe. Yo, I can follow a recipe and it's simple, right? Simple ingredients. You mix these ingredients, you bake and you cool and you're ready to eat. That's simple, right? But just because it's simple, it doesn't mean it's easy, right? I mean, like leadership. I talk about leadership being simple. I've got three variables you have to see challenges through these filters, right? These three variables that I call filters, mindset, skillset, and strategy. Three simple variables. But now is leadership easy? Nope. There's effort involved in leadership. So it's like a perfect example of simple versus easy. That's the thing. I'm not expecting life to be easy because it hasn't been for me and millions of you out here. Life is not easy, but it can be simple. And I've got some very interesting ideas on what makes it simple. I have been going back to reading A Course in Miracles. A Course in Miracles I picked up back in my early twenties when I was looking for an extension of what I knew as a Catholic, right? Born, raised, went to school, a private Catholic school. I even got my PhD at a private Catholic school. So like, I mean, full circle over here, Catholic. But in my early twenties, I was wondering what else was out there. What other ideas were out there? What other ways could I connect to God source? What else is out there? So I picked up that book and it was so simple, so simple in that you see the world and people through two very simple emotions, fear or love. Fear or love, two very simple emotions. And, you know, sometimes I wish I would have stuck to those teachings because, you know, my twenties and thirties and yes, part of my forties have proved to be very challenging because of all of the over complicating of people and relationships and systems. Right. I want to see life now through two very simple emotions. Am I fearing this person, these systems, these processes, these employees through the eyes of fear? Or am I seeing them through the eyes of love? Which one feels better in my body? Which one feels more natural to me? Now, some of your baselines out here are straight up fear that turns into anger and rage. But some of us, can recall back to our inherent nature of love. And that's what I wanna tap into today. That's simplicity for me. And I know some of you are like out here saying, well, that's a little Pollyanna, don't you think Denise? Life's a little more complicated than that. Yeah, life is not easy, but I'm not gonna complicate life. I know it's not easy, but I'm going to just lay it right here. I'm going to lay it down because I have made a choice to move into this new era of simplification. You can stay over there, my friend. You don't have to come here with me. You can make a case and defend why that's where you need to be. But I'm going to stake my flag right here. This is now my new hill that I'm going to die on. Like right here is what I'm going to claim. Now it's up to you if you want to join me. Because if you want to join me so we can have some fun together, then let's have some fun together. But if you want to stay over here, fine. No sweat off my back. But when you're ready, when you're ready to drop being overplayed, overworked, overwhelmed, overcomplicated, and you want to see life through a simple filtration system, then you're going to want to take a step into this new era of simplification that I am offering to you. I'm inviting you into this new idea. This new idea, right? It's like, ah, relief. Relief, finally, in my brain, in my body, in my nervous system, in my heart, in my soul. Oh, how delightful does that feel? to just lay everything down. You don't have to throw it away. You don't have to like shame it. You just release it. And it's with a thought and it's with a feeling in your body. It's saying, I'm worthy of more. And I want to live life on my terms, not on their terms or my former self's self terms. I don't want to keep doing that. This is not bringing me joy. It's not bringing me fulfillment. I am miserable in my relationships. I'm not sure how I got here. I'm not sure what I did to get here, but I'm going to just drop it. So that I can at least take a foot forward, one step forward into this new era of simplification. What would that look like? What would that even feel like for me to feel ease and peace in my body? Like, what would that even feel like? So take a moment for yourself and ask yourself, what would it feel like to at least have a minute one minute of my day to just imagine what this era could feel like for me. What would my day look like? If I dropped the overwhelm, if I dropped the overworking, overproducing, overediting, overperforming, all of the things that we leaders have been trained to do, what would it feel like? What would it look like? What would my morning look like? What would my commute to work look like? What would my daily meetings look like? What would my emails read like? What would my demeanor, my tone, my energy feel like in a room, in a boardroom, in a PTA meeting even, maybe even a parent-teacher conference meeting? What would it feel like for me to enter this simplification era? So get curious of what that would feel like for you. And then you're going to join me on Instagram. DM me and let me know what comes up for you. So this is what I want for you to do is set a timer for just five minutes. You can give yourself five minutes. If you are watching this in the morning, do this before you get behind the wheel of your car to go to work. If you're watching this during your lunch hour and you're watching this on your desktop because it's video episode, you just set five minutes aside and do not disturb the boss right now because the boss is doing some internal work that is necessary to enter this new era of simplification. And I know leadership isn't easy and I know relationships aren't easy and life is not easy, but Gosh, wouldn't it be cool if I enter this clear, straightforward, simple, uncomplicated era of my life in leadership practice? Wow. So set a timer and do this work for yourself and then head over to Instagram or wherever you're watching this and make sure you DM me what comes up for you when you do this exercise. And I cannot wait to support you on this journey of simplification. All right, leader, I'm wishing you a fantastic journey ahead. But remember, awareness comes first before you say yes. So right now, just take a moment and do this exercise so that you can feel it in your body. And then when you're ready to say, yes, I want more, you follow for more. Follow me here for more. All right, I'm wishing you a fantastic rest of your day. And I can't wait to see you again soon. Take care. Bye.