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143. STOP! Listen Before You Quit

Dr. Denise Simpson, a master life and leadership coach specializing in empowering and training women leaders, wants you to stop what you're doing and listen to this before you quit!

Amidst rapid and challenging changes, many leaders find themselves at a crossroads, questioning their career paths, dreams, and desires. This is due to the constant barrage of external pressures from their organizations, stakeholders, customers, and board of directors.

Leaders are grappling with whether they're in the right place, fulfilling their leadership purpose. 

Many women, feeling unsupported and undervalued, have chosen the path of the Great Resignation, leaving the workforce entirely, while others are considering Breaking Up with their organizations.

Denise encourages leaders to assess their leadership value, and decide whether they want to remain in their current roles or explore new horizons. 

If you're contemplating leaving leadership, you must listen to this first!


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