00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, a master life and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power so they can lead like visionaries, influence with grace, and create a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you're ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for you. So let's get started.
00:47 Welcome back, leader. I'm so excited to replay a live stream. I did for you over on YouTube. It was streamed into LinkedIn and also on Facebook. And if you're not following me on LinkedIn, you're gonna want to, I do on occasion, some live events, and then I stream it out into all the other platforms. But LinkedIn is where you're going to find me. I want to replay this episode cause I think it's important that I share it here on this podcast because I talk about loving where you lead, actually loving your role as a leader, loving your employees, loving the mission and the vision of the organization that you serve. I know for some of you, it's a far stretch right now, and I understand that. But you have the right to love where you lead. You are spending a third of your life in the organization.
01:44 And I think it's important that we give ourselves this opportunity to find all of the advantages, all the benefits, all of the positive reasons why we are in this organization, because you have the right to love where you lead. All right, dear Leader, please enjoy this very short replay livestream episode for you called Love Where You Lead. All right, here it is. But today I wanna talk about loving Where you lead, loving Where you lead. I met with a client yesterday, and we are now going into our third year together. And she is a c e o of a startup company. And we were talking about really the last two years and her evolution as a leader and where she began and where she is today and where she's going in the future. And so as she's evolving, so are her team members. So is the executive team.
02:43 She's hired more people. Since she's started with me, she is now enjoying her role of leadership. And yesterday she said something very interesting. She said, I'm, I'm loving being a leader. I'm loving this role. I never thought I'd get to a point where I actually love leadership. And so a lot of us women, this is something that, that I find very interesting. A lot of us, because we have been programmed to sacrifice, we have been programmed to sacrifice starting families to sacrifice, you know, our roles for our peers, uh, you know, we're sacrificing promotions. We're sacrificing, you know, our lives for salaries. We're putting our intimate relationships on the back burner because we're sacrificing ourselves for our careers. And so there's this expectation of sacrifice when it comes to our careers. So many of us do not love what we do. We don't love leading, we don't love our careers, which is why we are seeing the great breakup.
03:51 Still, the great breakup that happened in 2022 is still happening in 2023. And what that's telling us, this great breakup is that women in leadership are breaking up where their, with their current employer, and they're moving on to greener pastures. They're staying in the workforce, but they're moving on to greener pastures. They're saying, you know, you're, this is a toxic relationship. You're a narcissist. You're an egomaniac. I'm done with this culture. I'm done with how you've been treating me. I'm now gonna break up with you, and now I'm gonna go find me some, some other, you know, somebody else to court. And that's what she's doing. It's the great breakup. And so it all stems from this idea that we shouldn't love our careers. We shouldn't love leading that. It's something that, you know, it's just not expected of us. And so when she said, I am loving this role.
04:48 I'm loving my duties, my responsibilities, I'm loving who I'm becoming. I'm loving who my employees are. I don't micromanage them because it's unnecessary. I trust my decisions. I trust in how I've trained them. I trust in, in, in, in their own evolution in, in this organization. And, and my, my role as their guide on their journey. She said, I love this. And I never thought I would love leading. This is what she said to me. And I said, yeah, well, that's the point, , that's the point. This is why we need more women leaders in the organization. This is why we need more women leading movements, right? Because we've been told that we have to sacrifice our souls for a seat at the corporate table. Nobody told us that we didn't have to do that. Why? Because we saw other women doing that, that have gone before us because we've, we, we've been adapted in these cultures where you have to hustle and grind and sell a, sell off a piece of your soul every time you wanna promote, right?
05:58 Every time you wanna advance in your career. So the message today is, love where you lead, love where you lead. Listen, you love leading your family. I mean, let's not, let's not get this twisted. You are leading your family. You're leading your children, you're leading your partner, your spouse, whatever you are leading, you're making very tough decisions for your family. You love where you lead. You love leading your family. You also are an activist, a community member. You're starting nonprofits. You are creating movements in your communities, in your culture. You're shifting, you're disrupting status quo in your, in your own communities. So you're loving where you lead in that context. You see? So you've got all these areas of your life that you're loving, but when it comes to your career and it comes to leading in the organization, you hate it. You're sacrificing too much.
06:58 This is why it's important that we disrupt that idea. We disrupt that expectation that every single woman needs to sacrifice a piece of her soul for a seat at the corporate table. This is why when my client said to me, I never thought I would get to this point, never thought I would love leading my people. I'm so invested in their growth and expansion because I've invested in my growth and expansion, because I've disrupted some limiting beliefs. I've disrupted some expectations that society or toxic organizations have imposed upon my neurology. I'm now a different person. And because I'm a different person, I'm loving, leading. And I said, that's the goal. That's the goal. That's what we do in coaching. That's what we do in the institute. We want more women in corporate America, or in their institutions or in their startups or in their founding, you know, businesses to enjoy leading, to really use their voices, use their brilliance, use their talents, their skills, use it for a purpose.
08:15 But because we're so inundated with this message that we need to sacrifice ourselves and that we can enjoy our careers, we don't, we miss the opportunity. We miss those opportunities. And so it is important today moving forward, that we remember, I, I should love where I lead. I should love my career. I should love wanting to advance my career. I should really love this. I have the right, there was a desire, there was, um, something within me that was stirred up because I saw something in unjust in the organization, or I saw somebody mistreated and I wanna do something it. And plus these leaders don't know what they're doing. I think I can do a better job. So you were called, you were called to lead and to serve, but the longer you stayed in an organization, the more embedded you were with very toxic neurology, really wrong messaging about who you are and what your role is.
09:15 So moving forward, we wanna start asking the question, is that true? Is any of that true? Can I love leading? Can I love using my voice? Can I love leading this movement of people in my community? Do I have the right to love what I do? Start asking these very interesting questions, and that will start loosening up the neurology, the limiting beliefs that have been embedded in you since you were a little girl. That's the message. So when we move forward today in our organizations, in our businesses, we're going to ask ourselves, can I really love this? Is that even possible for me to actually love what I do? Yes. The answer is yes. A resounding yes, yes, yes, yes, you can, because you deserve it. Because you are one of a few. You're very rare, my friend, one of a few women out there who are answering the call, despite the neurology that's been embedded in you, that you have to sacrifice yourself for, you know, a seat at the corporate table.
10:29 Despite all that, you are still moving forward. And so wherever you are on that thought continuum, I want for you to know that we in the institute, our only mission is to, is to create more masterful leaders, more women leaders who are masterfully moving employees masterfully, guiding them into levels of potential. They, they, they never knew they could get to. I mean, that's what we do every day with our employees. We're moving them in unison, we're moving them together. We have a goal, we have a mission we have to aspire to and achieve. And so our jobs as leaders is to get our tools right? We build our toolbox with all these skills, with all this mastery and mindset, with all of our strategy and, and ways to execute. We've got a toolbox that we use every single day to help ourselves first and foremost, so that we can then help our employees go create some results in the organization.
11:35 That's what we do every day. And so the mission, the the mission of our institute is to create more women like you who are building that toolbox, who are using their skills, their mastery mindset, their strategies, their tactics. They're executing, they're using everything they have in that toolbox to be impactful, masterful, influential leaders. That's what we do. And so wherever you are, you know, whether you're, you're aspiring, you're just starting out, or whether you're emerging or you're mid career, you know, you're, you're a seasoned professional. You've been in, you've been a leader for, for more than a hot minute. You belong in the institute no matter where you are, because we take you from where you are today and we move you into mastery. That's what we get to do in the institute. And so my job is to remind you that yes, you can love where you lead.
12:37 All right, my friends, I'm wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead. I hope this was helpful. I hope this was beneficial for you. Drop your comments, let me know what your thoughts are. I'm here to support you. And then make sure you head over to our page. It's dr denise simpson.com/m o l, or just go to dr denise simpson.com. You'll navigate to the Masters of Leadership Institute page, where you'll learn more about our monthly ongoing leadership training and development program for women leaders. All right, have a wonderful weekend ahead and we'll catch you on our next live. Take care.
13:21 Hey, leader, do you want weekly leadership tips, coaching and training straight to your email inbox? Yeah, I thought so. Head over to dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Again, that's dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Just submit your name and your email address and we'll get started right away. I look forward to serving you inside your email inbox. See you soon.