00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, a master life and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power so they can lead like visionaries, influence with grace, and create a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you're ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for
00:36 You.
00:36 So let's get started.
00:47 Welcome friend. Happy you are back on today's podcast episode. I'm so excited to talk to you about the Nighty Day planner for executive leaders that I created. I'm so excited to announce this today. This has been in beta testing for the last few months, and I created this with my graphic designer Jackie, who's, who is responsible for developing all these beautiful assets inside of Masters of Leadership program. She is someone who, uh, already, uh, sells, creates designs, these beautiful planners, and I said to her, I am a planner snob, which is why I've waited this long to create my own. I have been using Erin Condron life Planner for life and business. And so I've been using her planners for the last 11 years. So since I've moved here, I've lived here now 11 years in Austin, and she has a store at the Domain, and it's a beautiful store, beautiful planners and journals that she sells and creates and designs.01:59 And so I've had no reason to develop anything for myself until about a year ago when there were areas in my life that I needed a little extra room in a journal or in a planner for that Aaron Condron did not have. And so, of course, looking and searching on Amazon and online, there were some other, um, very masculine, energy driven type of planners that weren't suitable for me, something that I, I did try and did not like. And so the search really started about a year ago. And so I approached my designer, who I know is an expert in this field, and I said, I think I'm ready. I'm ready to design my own. I I just haven't been able to find something out here, and why not make this exclusive to masters of leadership clients or any client in my programs? And she said, that's a great idea.03:02 Let's brainstorm. And so I came to her with exactly what I needed as a personal user, as a leader who is a C E O and who has many clients and a beautiful program who supports leaders, I wanted to design something personally suitable for me. And so I see really planning journal and, and planning work where it's, it's an intimate part of, of my thought download work. It's my thought work that I do every single day as a leader. It's part of my self-awareness skill building, and it's something that I teach my clients and I teach, uh, my private clients as well. And so it's something that I needed to incorporate inside this executive planner. And so I share this with you because it is an exclusive planner for my client only inside masters of leadership or my private, uh, clientele. And it is designed really to rewire your brain for leadership.04:05 It is to help you develop self-awareness. It is to help you develop a leader self concept that is anchored in authenticity, that is anchored in integrity, that is anchored in servant leadership. And so this is the planner to really help you with the rewiring of your brain to start thinking, feeling behaving like a leader, all while developing your leader self-concept. And so this was really thoughtful in creating, uh, she and I did a, I think a great job in doing this. She, she, you know, took my ideas and just, um, expanded upon some of them. And what I love about this quarterly planner is that it is quarterly. So every 90 days we get a new planner. They, it is undated, so you can buy them, uh, in bulk and then you can save them for the year and work through them as the quarter comes up.05:06 And so here we use the O K R system, which is our preferred results slash goal accomplishing system. This is the system O K R system that Google, the, one of the angel investors and founders of Google developed. He was coming from Intel and took a system that he learned from another leader and modified it to suit the dynamic environment of a giant tech company like Google. And they still use this system today. And so I thought, if it's good, good enough for Google, it's good enough for us. And so we are dynamic leaders. We are moving quickly, we have fast-paced lives, we have high performing lives. Remember, you were hired to solve problems and you were also hired to create results. And so the O K R system is embedded inside this executive planner. This is where you get to set 90 day goals or results in your personal life or in your leadership practice.06:14 And so I've been beta testing this for the past few months, and it has been so fantastic to see my brain on paper, which is something I've always done. Like I mentioned, uh, being a planner snob. But now I get to be so intentional in building a, a business that's focused on leadership practice and it's focused on leadership development and training. And so this is the executive planner for you. If you are a planner snob like me now, something else you should know. I also have a digital planner, a digital calendar that I share with my clients that will never change. It's something that I quickly need to see and browse through, and then I share a calendar link with my client or with my staff. And it's, it's, everybody has access to it. This paper planner. However, this hard copy planner, it is about 300 pages.07:11 It is hefty. It is anchored not only physically, but intellectually. Like this is the, the planner that holds everything in your brain. It is what you decide to put here. It, it is the intentional thought work that we leaders must do every single day. And so selfishly, I created this for me and for my clients. You know, being obsessed with this field of study, serving hundreds of women leaders throughout the last few years, I know exactly what we need to develop this thought work to, to, to create a leader self-concept that we are proud of. One that's built upon integrity, one that's built upon our values, and especially servant leaders like, like you and I are. We want to be intentional in how we are inspiring and influencing our team members, our employees, our subordinates, even our families and constituents and community members. And so this is the planner for you.08:22 And this planner is, is inside the Master's of leadership program and for all of my private clients. So I offer this to you. It's an opportunity for you to come into our program, learn about the principles of a masterful leader, help you with the tools that you need on your path of leadership. These are the tools that will serve you no matter whether you're an aspiring leader or you are an executive leader in the C-Suite. And so everything you learn inside Masters of leadership is to rewire your brain for leadership. So, so much has gone into this program and now this executive planner designed to help you on your path of leadership. So something else you're going to find in this planner are the leadership assets that we use inside the program. And so this is what you get to bring on every single one of our group coaching calls.09:27 This is what you get to bring inside of our strategy sessions. Um, strategy's important. It's part of your leadership practice, and it's something that we build and we cultivate and we talk through. It's about really setting action, an action plan and the steps to accomplish really any goal, any result you wanna create in your organization or in your life. And so the leadership assets here are for you for the, for the three month, for the full quarter. So you have enough, uh, um, information in here that will support you every quarter. And so this is the planner that is going to really change your trajectory, really, really improve your life as a leader and help you think differently, help you behave differently, and then ultimately really influence and inspire your employees. So I invite you to join us. The annual, uh, program clients have will have this physical copy sent to them along with some other amazing things.10:33 You get a leader success box sent to you. The second you enroll as an annual client, your monthly mem, our monthly clients will receive the digital copy inside the member portal so that you can go and send this off and print anywhere you wish. And it is absolutely stunning. I have, I've, I've, you know, used FedEx for the last few iterations of this planner. And so it is something that is near and dear to me and will continue to evolve as, as long as we're evolving inside Masters of leadership program. So if you want more information, head over to dr denise simpson.com/m o l. All right my friend. Happy planning. I'll catch you on our next podcast episode. Take good care. Hey, leader, do you want weekly leadership tips, coaching and training straight to your email inbox? Yeah, I thought so. Head over to dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Again, that's dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Just submit your name and your email address and we'll get started right away. I look forward to serving you inside your email inbox. See you soon.