00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, a master live and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power so they can lead like visionaries, influence with grace, and create a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you're ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for you. So let's get started.00:46 Hey, leader, welcome back. I am excited about today's conversation because it is about redefining your role and who you are in it. Right? There is your role, the role that you play every single day. You play a compassionate, courageous, connected leader. So you may be a manager, you may be a director, a supervisor, maybe even an executive director, and a nonprofit community. You may even be in the executive ranks or in the C-suite. So wherever you are on the path to leadership, I want for you to look at ways to redefine your current role. Now, some organizations are doing this for you. They're doing this for you without your contribution, without your feedback. And let me tell you why this is happening. Organizations throughout the last three years of the pandemic of the social justice reform, also through the d e i revisions in our organizations, so much has happened that organizations can no longer stay quiet. And I mean, the leaders of these organizations can no longer remain status quo.02:21 The status quo is no longer going to take their workforce into this next level of leadership. A lot of organizations have, have had to re-engineer, re-envision their workforce. They are looking at the overall values of the organization, the mission, the vision. It may have shifted because of the last three years. So many variables have contributed to the necessary changes that organizations are making. And some organizations are looking at the entire organizational chart, and they're looking at ways to re-engineer your role, the role of your leader, the role of your leader's leader. They're looking at ways to maybe modify the processes, looking at ways to increase client engagement, customer acquisitions. They're looking at so many aspects of the organization and your role may be affected by that. And so that's why I say some organizations are doing this now, and I'm helping a lot of my private clients do that right now.03:43 And so I wanted to bring your attention to this because you either can contribute to this redefining of your position or you can do this on your own. So redefining your role. So I think we all can agree that business is not usual anymore. Business is not usual. Things have changed. Not only have your clients, your customers have changed, but so have your employees, and maybe even you unknowingly, unconsciously, have changed. Here's how we are changing as a collective. We're no longer looking at authority as authority. A lot of our clients and customers are saying, I don't think so. I actually know better and, and know more than you, and I'm not going to buy the bs. So a lot of clients and customers are saying, yeah, we're, we're, we just need to question authority. Like we just, we're just not gonna take your word for it anymore.04:54 And I think that's what a lot of the turmoil, the emotional turmoil, the angst that we felt during the last three years has allowed us to open our throat, shockers, open our mouths, use our voices to express our discontent, to express our concerns, to question authority. And so a lot of our customers and clients are saying, I don't think so. Mm-hmm. We're not doing that anymore. And you're gonna notice this in your employees as well. They are starting to question your authority. They're challenging your leadership. And this is a very positive thing. I don't want for us to look at this as a negative transformation. It is a positive one. I'd like for you to reframe this in the question, what do I need to do to serve my, my employees moving forward? What do we need to do as a team, as a department to serve our clients or customers moving forward?06:06 Right? Because we're not gonna keep looking at the past, at least the last three years of the angst and the turmoil we know that has occurred. We have felt that felt all of that in our lives, in our personal lives, and in our professional lives. And we are here today now looking at our current roles as leaders. So let us now look in how we can redefine our roles as leaders so that we can move forward with a new vision, with a new mission, with new energy among your team. So when we look at redefining your role, again, your institution or your organization may be doing this for you right now, or you can engage step in, be committed to the future in that organization and how your role is going to impact the future of that organization. So you have a choice here, my friend.07:07 We're gonna do this together, or you may stay behind. That's really what's happening here in our economy, in society, in culture. And a lot of our employees are burnt out. They're exhausted, they're tired. They just went through a three year ordeal. And listen, some of you are energizer bunnies out there, and a lot of you may not understand why your employees are burnt out or exhausted. I I, I know you don't think in that way, but your employees may. And I want for you to better understand why they're exhausted. Again, you may not be my friend and that's great on you, but let me tell you something. I'm not an energizer bunny. I am a a double introverted person. That means I need extra, extra time to reenergize, replenish my energy and my spirit. Honestly, that's just who I am. And guess what? I lead very successfully.08:12 I run a very successful leadership training and coaching company, and I get a ton of rest during these projects throughout my day, throughout my week, throughout my campaigns. So because you are an Energizer bunny does not mean the rest of us should feel that way, should keep up with you in that way. And so your employees are exhausted right? Now, if it's not one thing on the news, it's something else. If it's not, you know, a another, you know, virus that's happening right now, it's, it's the economy, right? It, it could be the recession that people are experiencing right now, the inflation, the, you know, increase in prices at the grocery store. It's, it's a lot that's happening. And a lot of your employees are asking for respite. I get that they're tired. And so we need to look at how we can serve our employees just like we are serving our constituents and our clients.09:18 And so this is going to require a new lens of looking at your current role. Is what you do today, is it beneficial for the next year, 2, 3, 5 years in your organization? Is what what you have right now as far as your mindset, your skillset, and your actions or behaviors. What can you take today into the future with you that's going to serve your team or even elevate the team? And so things may have changed for you, your mindset may have shifted because of the last three years. Your employees beliefs have certainly shifted because of the last three years. They may not believe in their in themselves anymore. They may not believe in their capacity. They may not believe in your core values or in your mission. They may not believe in you as the leader. They may have seen some interesting things transpire during the last few years, and they may be quiet, quitting on you and possibly looking for another role or an exit strategy.10:29 So mindset has shifted. No doubt. The way we look at hybrid work with the way we look at remote work, the way we look at burnout has changed. This is why we saw the great resignation happen during Covid. We're also seeing the great return is what they're calling it. Many people who left during Covid have now realized it ain't so great out here without a paycheck, and they are returning to the workforce. And so you have shifts in, in belief systems, you have shifts in values. Their values have shifted when someone valued security because of a paycheck every two weeks, right? They were secure to put food on the table. They felt secure in providing for their families. That may have shifted that value may not be number one anymore for them. It may be number five, maybe even number 10. What are their values coming into this new era, this new world of leading?11:40 This is the new way of looking at work. And so by the way, Harvard Business Review has a YouTube channel, um, and it's a series called, oh, new Way of Looking at the World, new Way of Work, new Way of Work, . Um, and I was watching the latest episode with the CEO of LinkedIn, and he talked about redefining their values. They had to, they didn't have a choice because of the last three years and everything that has shifted in their organization's core values, which is a reflection of their clients and their customers, and the people they serve as well as their employees. They had to redefine their objectives and what it means to move forward into a new way of work, a new way of leading. And this is where I was inspired to do this episode. So number one, your organization may be doing this for you, with or without your consent, with or without your feedback, or you, my friend.12:47 Number two, you get to do this now, start doing this now. Why? Because you care. Why? Because you love your employees. And when I say love, I don't mean intimate, weird love energy. I'm talking about compassion for your employees. You care about their wellbeing. You care about their growth and expansion. You know that they have higher order needs and things they need to satisfy and fulfill in their lives. Not just their 40 hour work week with you. They've got lives outside of your organization. So you care deeply about that. This is why we do this work here, is because we give a damn. We really care. And guess what? We wanted someone to care about us as we were entry level employees in our organizations, and we never got that kind of attention. We never got that kind of care. And so you are doing things differently.13:49 You are showing them what it feels like to, to be a human in an organization who's contributing to the greater good of that organization. That's what you're doing. You're humanizing leadership. And so you get to do this work, my friend. So let's do this together. First, look at your current role. What has changed in how you conduct business? What has changed in how you conduct your leadership? Have things shifted, have have objectives been modified or maybe even magnified, right? Where are you right now as the leader of your department? The leader of your crew, the leader of your team? Maybe you are a leader of a division, maybe a region, maybe a higher level leader wherever you are. Even if you are a nonprofit leader, an executive director of a nonprofit, things have most definitely shifted for you, my friend, because you are looking at ways to find resources to get fundraising, uh, campaigns going based on who you're serving in the community.15:02 So things have definitely shifted for you and yes, for the rest of us. So look at your current role, what has changed and what has stayed the same. And then the second thing I want for you to do is look at where you're going in the future. Are you in alignment with the organization's future objectives or goals? And if you're not, ask yourself, how do I get into alignment with that? How do I get more information on where the organization is going and how I and my team are going to contribute to the success of our organization? So start asking questions. Are you in alignment with what the future vision is for this organization? And how are you contributing to that vision? And so redefining your role just looks like a mindset shift. And once you shift your mind, right? And it could be as simple as a thought, I don't wanna be left behind, or I have so much to contribute to this organization, or I want to be a part of the success of this organization, right?16:16 So whatever thought comes to mind when you look at your current role and possibly redefining the role, listen, I I say possibly, I, I kind of feel like it's, it's a non-negotiable at this point. Things are not the same for anybody. So I implore you to take on this mindset of redefining your role in this organization right now. What are you going to take with you into the future? And what do you need to leave behind? Because things have changed so much for, for society, for the culture, for the customers and clients that you serve. What will you take into the future with you? And the last thing I'm gonna have you do is I want for you to do the buckets of leadership. Bucket number one is your mindset bucket, which includes your beliefs. It includes your bias, it includes your mood, it includes your personality, it even includes your character.17:20 The mindset is 70% of your leadership work, my friend. So start with that bucket list out. What is it that I need to believe? What is it that I need to think to redefine my role? How do I play a part in this new future? Do I have what it takes? Do I have the mindset? Do I have the growth mindset or am I still fixed on the past? So get into the the mindset bucket for a little bit. If it's 70% of your leadership work, then you wanna spend 70% of your time right there. Okay? The second bucket is your skill set bucket. Do you have the skills right to take your team into the future? Do you have the skills that is required to have a new definition of your role as a leader? That's the skill set bucket. What skills do you need?18:18 And start looking for ways to fill those skills, to cultivate those skills, or maybe even hone some of those skills. And then the third bucket are your actions slash behaviors. Do I have the actions, the habits, the behaviors that are going to help me create results for my organization? Do I have what it takes in my demonstration of leadership moving forward? But my friend, you have to start with the mindset bucket number one. Number two is a skill set bucket. And number three are your actions and behaviors. And guess what? You add these three buckets and guess what you have? You have your results bucket. Your mindset is 70% of the work, your skillset, the skills that you need to carry your leadership every single day. The actions and the behaviors that demonstrate your leadership all equal to the results. Specific and deliberate results. Results among your team, results within your organization, even results in your life, my friend, all this that I share with you is always, always useful in your personal life.19:41 So my friend, redefining your role as a leader is going to require you looking at your current state, the current state of affairs for you in relationship to this organization. What will you take with you into the future? And what do you need to leave behind? Because things are not the same. Business is no longer usual. You know that same business as usual, not, not at all my friend. That is not the case. We are now changing that adage to business is not usual. Things have to change because society has changed because the culture has changed because I believe this or not. But your senior leaders in your organization are changing them for you. And so we get to do this work because we have agency over our lives. We have agency over our mindset and how we view ourselves in this organization, how we contribute and impact this organization through our leadership.20:48 So redefining leadership is going to require you to do some brainstorming, getting curious, asking questions, where are we going? And what I have currently in my leadership inventory in these three buckets, is that enough to carry us into the future? Do I have a future in this organization if I don't fulfill these gaps that I have in my mindset, in my skillset, or in my actions? All right, deep breath, . Cause I can go on a tangent. Listen, I hope you found today's episode helpful. Listen, it's a lot of work, but we are leaders who work very hard. There's, this is not easy. We are privileged to do this. Let me tell you something. It is an honor to serve people. And so you deserve to do this work, my friend. You deserve to look forward into the future. You deserve to look at what you need to increase or cultivate your mindset to cultivate or hone your skills and to take inspired action that creates purposeful, intentional results in your leadership. That's what we get to do together. All right, my friend, I'm wishing you a wonderful week ahead, redefining your role as a leader. Take good care. Talk to you soon.22:16 Hey, leader, do you want weekly leadership tips, coaching and training straight to your email inbox? Yeah, I thought so. Head over to dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Again, that's dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Just submit your name and your email address and we'll get started right away. I look forward to serving you inside your email inbox. See you soon.