00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, a master life and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power so they can lead like visionaries, influence with grace, and create a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you're ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for you. So let's get started.
00:46 Welcome back. Let us get in to the season of empowerment. What does this even mean? Listen, it is the start of October. If you're listening to this, it is October of 2022. This matters because we have 90 days left in this year. And let me tell you something. The last two and a half, three years has been very interesting for a lot of US leaders. And here we are now facing a very important season of our lives, of our businesses, of our careers. It is the last 90 days of this year. I like to think of this as the home stretch, especially for a lot of us who felt hopeful. At the beginning of this year, we felt like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. We felt like the world was finally opening up, and we're trying to normalize our lives before covid happen.
01:53 We are seeing glimpses of hope, and we're coming into our jobs, and we're coming into our lives, and we're coming into our relationships re-energized. And so here we are now, in October 90 days left, I've named this season the season of empowerment. Empowerment is what we're gonna talk about. We're also going to talk about why this really matters and why you should care about the last 90 days of this year. So here's why I am excited about the season of empowerment. I, my friends feel just like you re-energized. I'm looking into the future. Now. Listen, I do respect my present. I am grateful and appreciative of my present, of the present moment. Listen, I'm driving the car, my friend. I am right here, Hands on the wheel. I'm in the moment, right? I'm watching traffic go by. I'm watching pedestrians walk by. I'm looking at the car right next to me.
02:59 I'm looking at the car behind me. I'm present. I I'm in the moment. I appreciate it, but I'm always looking 10 steps ahead. That's something I tell my husband all the time because I drive us everywhere. I feel like I'm driving Miss Daisy. Really? It does. It feels this way. But because I like to be present and yes, in control, , let's be, let's be honest, I love to be in control. And when I drive, and I've been driving since I was 15, got my license at 16. So I've been driving for many, many years. And I like to think that when I drive, I am a cautious, aware, fully present driver. And this is why my husband lets me drive, right? Not that he lets me, but, but he's okay with sitting back in the passenger's seat and letting me be in control in my present moment.
03:54 But that doesn't take away from the 10 steps ahead of where I'm at. It doesn't take away from finding awareness around where I'm going, going into the future. Like I have. I'm already predicting the traffic pattern. I'm already predicting what this idiot on the other side's gonna do. I'm already predicting how crazy that, you know, particular traffic area is, right? That light, that intersection, I already know or have a feeling of what to expect there because I've driven past that intersection a million times. So I'm, I'm present. However, I'm looking into the future, and this is what season of empowerment is. It's taking stock of what we appreciate today, right? How far we've come from the past to the present moment. We're not denying our past. We're not also resenting, we're not also, we're not also ruminating over it. What we're doing is we're looking back with appreciation for all the hard work we put in, for all the sacrifice we, sacrifices we've made to get to this point right here, right now, in the present moment.
05:05 But the season of empowerment is also looking at the next 90 days of our lives, of our careers, of our businesses. So season of empowerment puts us in the driver's seat, right? It keeps us right here. As the captain of this ship, of this car of our lives, we are empowered. We are empowered with the tools to create the future. We are empowered with the tools to create specific results in our lives, results in our lives, personal lives, results in our businesses, results in our careers, right? The institutions or the organizations we work in. And so this is why season of empowerment begins. Now, my friend. The goal of this episode is to get you excited about your future. It's to get you excited being the owner of your life. It's to get you excited for the results you want to intentionally create by the end of this year.
06:16 That's right. I am committed to helping you get to that finish line. And, and not just any finish line, right? Not just a finish line, but a finish line that was filled with fulfillment, that was filled with reward, with joy, even effortlessness. Yes, you can have success without effort. I'm proof of that. And by the way, I have an episode on that coming up real soon. , Success Without Efforting. Wow. Mind blowing. And so what I wanna do is get you excited about your next 90 days, and let us begin because I am ready, ready to share with you my personal story, my personal goal that I want to achieve within the next 90 days. I also wanna share with you why this is so important, especially we women in leadership, why it's important for us to stay intentional in our goals, right? Cause we have strong desires, and it's important that we put ourselves first before everyone else.
07:24 And then I'm gonna talk a little bit about what you can start doing today, and then of course, an invitation at the end of our time together to join me inside Masters of Leadership, because we are having our masterclass this week on the season of empowerment. So excited for these members, and you, my friend, can be one of them too. All right? So let's get started. Why am I so excited for myself? Like, I'm excited, personally excited for this because I have been in such an interesting lull, right? There are peaks and valleys in your life. There are lows and, and there's times where you're just high on, on your own supply. You are at the top of the, the mountain, right? You have summited the mountain. And it's interesting because the start of this year, I was so excited, just like many of you excited about a brand new year.
08:14 We're hopeful. We're, we're looking into the future. The world is opening up. Yes, thank goodness. And then we had a lull. I had a lull personally over the summer. And it, I, and by the way, my seasons are very interesting. I, during the fall and winter seasons, I am alive. I'm alert. I am bouncing off the walls during the spring and summertime. I, I go into a lull. I just, my energy starts to slow down. And I don't know if it's the Texas heat, but I have to tell you, it, it just, it drains the life outta me sometimes. And so I'm sluggish. Things get a little harder to do. You know, my thinking isn't as clear. And so, so I noticed this about myself. Now, that's, that's a belief that I can change. By the way. I don't have to continue to think this way or believe this thought, but I know the patterns of my energy.
09:06 And for me, fall and winter, I am alive and I am thriving. I don't know, That's just something that I have noticed, uh, in my, in my short lifetime, Yes, 45 years of age. But I've noticed that these are the patterns in my energy levels throughout the year. And so here we are now, the next 90 days, I'm, I'm looking ahead and I'm excited about some personal goals, and I'm excited about some business goals. And so, personally, I'm excited about focusing on my nutrition. Yes, nutrition. So I've created a very strong habit in incorporating physical activity by hiring a physical trainer. So I not only have a physical trainer who trains me three times a week, I have a Peloton bike and a tread. And so what I get to do too, when I'm not with my personal trainer, I get to do cycling and I get to run.
10:04 And so I love to run. It's something that I discovered over, over Covid. I really enjoy the endorphins after a good run. It's a very different high than I get from working with weights with my personal trainer. And so I, I'm just, I'm, I've fully embraced the identity of an athlete. And for those of you who, who have known me since, since, you know, grade school, I'm not an athlete, right? Like, I, I didn't care for team sports. Um, and, and, you know, I made up an excuse that people were just so dumb and that I just couldn't be a part of a team. I was just too smart for them. I know I was so arrogant, but that was actually a cop out. It was an excuse to not, you know, show my talents and my skills because I really, you know, I really sucked.
10:51 And so people were gonna know how shitty I was . And so I just didn't join. Team sports, didn't care for any of that. And plus, my, my parents never pushed us to doing that. They did, however, push us to play the piano and the violin and all the academic scholastic stuff. But anyway, so we were a different kind of, um, competitor in our family. And so, physical activity was never part of my identity. And, and it really w was until I started, um, caring, honestly, caring about my brain health, caring about my body, caring about my longevity, sustainability, my vitality. You know, I started to, you know, really incorporate small habits, uh, you know, a few years ago. And then fully went in on a personal trainer the last few years, and have been with this one trainer the last year and a half now, um, and excited to be working with him.
11:46 Um, he puts up with my bitching, he puts up with my, my griping. He, he really, you know, takes good care of when I go into this brain spiral, this mind spiral of, I can't do this. This is too hard. And he just whips me back into shape. He's like, That's enough. We gotta get back on the floor. And so he's been really great, um, in managing really my emotions and my thoughts about this identity that I'm growing into. And so now that I've created, yes, a habit of, of physical activity that I had never had before in my life. And yes, I still bitch and complain, however, the habit is there. The, the only times I start complaining is when he has me moving into a new cycle. And every cycle it lasts about six weeks. And so after that cycle, we go into a new cycle, and there's muscle confusion.
12:38 There are things that he's having me do that I'm not used to doing. And so the brain goes into a little spas moment. And so that's the only time I go into, uh, you know, those, those spirals. But the habit has been created. I know when I'm gonna be at the gym. It is a priority on my calendar. It is something that I'm so proud of. I have a new identity of someone who actually likes physical activity. Someone who can identify as a runner. Someone who can identify as someone who is, you know, loves cycling. Who, I mean, you won't see me on the street, but I will get on my peloton, right? And so that's, that's the identity that I have now incorporated into my life. I've integrated into every cell of my body. But here's the challenge that I've had. The challenge that I've had, despite the physical activity habit that I've created, is the nutrition habit, right?
13:31 The diet part. And I don't mean like I'm on a keto diet, a low carb diet. No, I, that's not my style. My style is eating for health, eating for brain health in particular, because my mother who suffered from Alzheimer's and was diagnosed at a very young age at 47, she, um, you know, she had, we had some theories about her food, about her environment, about her upbringing, and all the things that we could have helped her with if we knew this was going to happen. But, you know, how do you predict this? We don't. And so we can't. And so for me, brain health has been really the driving factor of creating the physical habit, but it had not been the driving factor in my nutrition. And if 80% of your health is based on what you put into your body, what you consume, then why was I neglecting a very important component of my health?
14:27 If 80% is the food I'm eating, why have I not made that a priority? So the next 90 days are focused on my nutrition. So I'm gonna keep you posted on how that comes along. If you're in masters of leadership, then you will hear all about it, . So I am creating very specific actions and beliefs tied to how I wanna feel. What do I want? What do I want to believe about nutrition? How do I wanna feel about nutrition and the actions I'm gonna take from those beliefs and those feelings? And then ultimately, creating a result of a very strong habit of choosing the right foods for my body, Choosing the right foods for fuel, using food, not to mask or numb, or suppress any negative emotion, but to use it to propel me forward in my life, in my relationships, and in my business.
15:23 So that is why the next 90 days are so important to me. And I'm so excited. I'm actually coming into this goal with such excitement about this new habit that I'm forming, so that when I enter 2023, it is fully formed. It is going to be an exciting opportunity to even expand my knowledge on nutrition and food and what specifically works for me as someone who is in her mid forties. Premenopausal hormones are all crazy. You know, I'm gonna learn so much about that particular part of my life, and I'm excited for what's to come. So that's why the next 90 days is important and why I feel so empowered. Okay, so let me touch on my business goal very quickly before we get into what I want for you to remember, and how to make the 90 the next 90 days. So empowering. So business goal for me is increasing the members of masters of leadership.
16:20 I strongly believe in this program and serving women leaders. I am so excited about the next 90 days, and I'm learning about selling, I'm learning about marketing. I'm learning about really creating this compelling opportunity for women. And, and these are skills that I don't have, Well, let me, let me back that up. I, I have them, I'm honing them. , like let's, you know, let's not, um, take away all the work I've done the last few years in my business. But what I want to do is really hone in on this mindset of mastery. A master seller, a master marketer, you know, master businesswoman. I am the CEO of my organization, but I'm looking at ways to increase capacity, and that may look like hiring coaches to work inside my membership program to help my leaders. So I have so many beautiful ideas, and so I wanna hone in on my selling skills and my, my, um, marketing skills.
17:29 And so the next 90 days looks like incorporating some new skills, right? Honing the current ones I have, and then increasing the members inside masters of leadership. So that's a business goal I have. Um, and so I will keep you posted on that one as well. But let's quickly get into what I want for you to remember, my friend, listen, I want for you to, to remember that you deserve whatever your heart desires. Listen, we are high performing, high achieving women leaders. We want more. It's just natural for us. We know our capacity, we know our potential, and we're always moving towards it. So we want more because we can, I want for you to remember that as you are setting yourself for this season of empowerment, you are destined to do extraordinary things. That's who you are. And what you're not satisfied with is status quo.
18:24 You're someone who is tired of repeating history. You're someone who sees beyond reality. You're looking at the future. Remember, you're in the driver's, you're in the driver's seat. You are not only present, but you're also always looking 10 heads of 10 steps ahead of yourself. That's who you are. So please remember that as we're moving into the season of empowerment, something else I want for you to remember, my friend, is that you are always serving others. Listen, you have a beautiful family, beautiful children. They are demanding, demanding of your time and your energy and the silent labor that you give them when you come home from a long day of work. I get it. I see that, I understand you, and I want for you to remember that it's time to put yourself first. And that's what the season is dedicated in helping you realize I come first before my, my family, before my constituents, before my employees, before my community members.
19:24 I'm gonna put myself first because in order to give them my all in order to be my best, I best be giving it to myself first. I come first. I know you're thinking, Wow, that's pretty selfish. No, it's self-centric. You, my friend, are the nucleus. You are the core of your family, the core of your, you know, community, the core of your department, the core of your organization. This is a self-centric approach. And this is the approach we take inside masters of leadership. We put you first above everyone else. What is the point of giving to someone else when you haven't given it to yourself first? That's it. That's all I have to remind you about. , you, my friend, are the asset and we are gonna protect you at all cost. That's just my philosophy. All right? So those are just a few things I want for you to remember.
20:19 Now, how can I help you make this season of empowerment? So, so fantastic. I mean, I want for you to come into the next 90 days excited about your life. And so I want for you to first pick a goal, pick several goals, maybe some goals in the life column and maybe some goals in the leadership column. And that second column could, could be your leadership practice, or it could be your business, right? Could be your career or whatever else you want. So one is the life column and one is everything else. Okay? And so I told you about my life goal, and that is to put nutrition at the forefront of my brain and to make it a priority and to create some very strong habits around nutrition. And then I also told you about my business goals. My business goal is to increase capacity, not only my selling capacity, my my marketing capacity, and the capacity of serving more women inside masters of leadership.
21:15 So I just shared with you two very different goals that I'm very excited about. You can pick as many goals as you want. Listen, I'm not gonna tell you only do one. No, listen, you are a multidimensional woman, okay? So you are capable of fulfilling as many goals as you like. Okay? So you pick the goals in these columns, and I want for you to think about what is exciting you right now about those goals. That's the second thing I want for you to do, is ask yourself, why is this so exciting to me? Why is this so important to achieve? Why now? Why is the time right now? Why is the next 90 days so exciting to fulfill these particular goals? What is different about this quarter that is making it so exciting? Get, get really into your emotions right here. Is it a feeling of pride?
22:05 Is it a feeling of clarity? Maybe it's a feeling of peace. Maybe you just want peace in your body, peace in your mind, peace in your family, right? Maybe it's because you just want to feel tranquility in your brain and in your heart. It could be as simple as that. For me, it's moving into this full comprehensive identity of an athlete, which includes my physical activity and my nutrition, right? So this is the mindset work that I get to do the next 90 days. Same thing on the business side. Why is this so important for me to achieve at this particular time in the year? It's exciting for me because my energy is high, because I am so excited about the next 90 days in regards to transformation. Like, I wanna surprise my brain. I wanna like, what? Like I can do this. Are you kidding me?
22:58 You mean I set a goal and I achieved it? Like, wow, I really want to blow my, my mind, really. I that, I know it sounds kind of weird, but , I really wanna surprise myself. And the third thing I want for you to do is ask yourself, what will success look like at the end of 90 days? This is where we get to measure, right? We get to measure some things. So like, in regards to my business school, I want 100 new members inside masters of leader. That's a measurement, that's a tangible measurement that I can look up in my database, look up in my system, and see that there's 100 women inside masters of leadership in regards to my personal goal and the nutrition goal. That is looking like consistent meal planning. It looks like meeting with a nutritionist. It looks like having some very strong habits so that I have a full meal plan of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
23:51 I'm not looking for measurement of weight loss. That is never my goal, has never been my goal. I'm not interested in that. I'm, I'm, I care more about how I feel. And for me, the feeling of empowerment is far greater than looking skinny in my jeans. I really don't care about any of that. I wanna feel strong. I wanna feel empowered. I wanna feel like I can take on anything because I have the physical capacity and the body, the health of a, of a beautiful body that can, you know, sustain anything that it comes, that comes my way. And so that looks like, you know, measuring a few things on the personal side, on the nutrition side. So what will success look like for you in regards to your goals? And then the last thing I want for you to do is to strongly consider my invitation to join me inside Masters of Leadership.
24:41 This is an opportunity for us to work together. It's not too late. Join us it for the live masterclass. And even if you join after the fact, know that you'll have replays of everything. And that way we can get started on this season of empowerment together, my friend. So listen, I know I just shared so much with you, but I wanted to give you a little taste of what we're gonna do inside the membership. This is our season. This is your season, my friend. You have put everybody else first, except yourself. You have very strong desires that you have been suppressing, that you have been numbing, that you've been putting on the side because it's just not the right time. Or it's because you know, little Timmy needs braces. Or it's because your boss is, you know, has a big campaign going on right now, and you can't focus on anything that's important to you.
25:31 It's time to put all that bullshit aside. This is the season of empowerment. This is your season, my friend, and I'm excited to help you through this. I want you to, I wanna help you empower yourself with the mindset, the mindset, tools you're gonna learn, the skills that you're going to need, the actions you must take to achieve the school. This is why we are so ambitious. We are wanting to create intentional, fulfilling results in our lives. But you have to be equipped, you have to be empowered with the right tools, and I am the person to help you with that. All right, my friend, I am wishing you a wonderful start to your new season of empowerment. I'm here for you, should you need any help. I invite you to visit our [email protected] slash m o l, and that's from Masters of Leadership, or check the show notes here, and you'll be able to directly go to my invitation page. All right, my friend, I'm wishing you great success, fulfilling results, a joyful journey to the next 90 days. I'm excited for you, you and I will keep you posted on my results as well. All right? Have a fantastic week and a great start to your season. I'll check back with you next week. Take good care.
26:56 Hey,
26:57 Leader, do you want weekly leadership tips, coaching and training straight to your email inbox? Yeah, I thought so. Head over to dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Again, that's dr denise simpson.com/leadership. Just submit your name and your email address and we'll get started right away. I look forward to serving you inside your email inbox. See.