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BONUS: Definition of Leadership

Welcome to this bonus episode of the Lead w/ Intent show livestream!

Today we revive a weekly livestream we did over 3 years ago.

That's right, it's been a long time coming AND we're back!

And how cool that we're able to livestream into YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook at the same time. So, follow me on your favorite platform and keep your notifications on so you don't miss a livestream.

On today's livestream, I talk about the new meaning and context of our show, Lead with Intent.

I also answer a VERY good question I was asked, "What is your definition of leadership?"

You're going to want to listen for my answer and adopt it for yourself. It's a GOOD one!


Want to take this work to a deeper level? 

Head over to the Masters of Leadership program for all levels of leadership! You'll receive ongoing leadership development and live coaching in a monthly program. It's created for women leaders by a woman leader who understands your desire for mastery, a safe community where you belong, and the convenience of ongoing professional and personal development. All this and so much more! 

Go here now to enroll --->


50% Complete

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