Check out the Amplify Leadership program!

100. Best Practices: Return to office

Whether your team is a back full-time, a hybrid model like 3x2 (three days in and two days virtual) or 100% virtual, you'll learn how to incorporate best practices like maintaining the organizational culture and shared team values. 

On this episode, you'll learn what can suffer as your team returns back to working from home, how to use these best practices to sustain the organizational culture, individual performance, and connections between you and your employees and among the group. 

No matter your work model, tune in now to learn more!


Want to take this work to a deeper level? 

Head over to the Masters of Leadership program for all levels of leadership! You'll receive ongoing leadership development and live coaching in a monthly program. It's created for women leaders by a woman leader who understands your desire for mastery, a safe community where you belong, and the convenience of ongoing professional and personal development. All this and so much more! 

Go here now to enroll --->


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