00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, a master life and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power. So they can lead like visionaries influence with grace and create a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems, navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you're ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for you. So let's get started.
00:47 Hey, welcome leader. I'm happy you're here. I hope you are having a wonderful day and I wanna thank you for pressing play because we have a really, really great show. I say that I know at the top of every show, it's a great show. It's a great show. Yes. Believe me. It's a great show. It's going to serve someone and if it doesn't serve you today, it'll serve you in the future. I promise you that today. I wanna talk about executive coaching for all, for everyone, whether you are in the CSU or not. Yes, for real. This is really my, my north star in my business model is providing coaching executive coaching at the highest level for anyone who's interested for anyone who's answering the call to lead and serve. And this idea came to me when I had a prospect or a potential client.
01:49 She booked on my link on my website and took up the opportunity to speak with me, to talk about whether she was a good fit for my private coaching. And she's a mid-level manager and she endured the pandemic, stayed with her organization. She had wonderful things to say about their agility and how flexible they were during the pandemic and policies that came from that very arduous time for everybody. And so she made a decision that she was going to seek leadership opportunities above her, her current status. Again, she's a mid-level manager and she saw that there's openings everywhere in her organization. There, there are paths to leadership that were not there before, because of the mass or what they call the great re resignation, the mass Exodus that took place during the pandemic. And she said, I'm loyal to this organization because it took very good care of me and my family when it really mattered the most.
02:58 And now I want to pursue leadership goals that I had never considered before. How can you help me? And I got to thinking that my private coaching has always been designed for the executive leader. She is in the C-suite meaning she's a chief executive officer, or she has a title of chief something, something, she is an executive VP or a vice president. She has massive major duties, roles, responsibilities, and a salary to go along with that. So she has the status. She has the financial rewards from, from these very important roles. And she has some added pressure and I'm focusing on her and her needs. And I saw a big void that I wasn't meeting and neglecting really preparing women to get into the, C-suite see, I've been serving them right here. Right, right there. Right where they're at. But how about the rest of us?
04:18 How about the rest of these amazing female leaders who are in mid-level management positions, who are supervisors, directors, they are wanting more and they want access to leadership training and executive coaching so that they can get prepared now to then enter the C-suite either in their organizations or to go seek a new leadership opportunity. So the light bulb moment happened on that call with her. I'm not providing accessibility, I'm not building a business that I thought I was building upon equity and equitable leadership. If I'm only serving this type of client, there are so many other women that are not taking advantage of these services and resources that I can provide I can provide. And so masters of leadership came about because of really that light bulb moment that that one potential client gave to me. And she really, really pleaded a case. Honestly, she, she pleaded her reasons for why it was necessary for me to work with her because midway through the conversation before the light bulb moment, I said, I'm not the person for you.
05:48 I can direct each other resources, but I'm hyper focused on the woman in the C-suite right now, right here right now. And she really was compelling and gave me all the reasons why I was doing a disservice to her and others. And it was a fantastic conversation. She challenged really my neurology. She disrupted my beliefs around my own business model. She was very compelling, convincing, and influenced me to do something about this. So I did take her on as a client. , she's phenomenal doing amazing things. She's actually, uh, working on a new proposal for a brand new position that she's creating in her organization. And, uh, that has been such a fun project to do with her. But because of her masters of leadership exists at a whole new level at a level that I had never considered before. Masters of leadership is executive coaching and leadership training for women.
07:01 If you identify as a woman socialized as a woman, you are invited to the party. If you have been called to lead and to serve others, you are welcome here. Yes, we want status and status looks like a formal title. It looks like the salary to go with that formal title. And yes, the duties and responsibilities. We want all of that and we want to feel good doing it. We want to feel powerful doing it. We want to feel confident doing it because so many of us get into these positions of leadership and because the neurology has been disrupted because we have moved your mind to the edges of really your brain. Things may come up like the imposter syndrome. That's something I talk so much about with my clients. When something disrupts your nervous system, like for example, you are undermined by an employee or a superior, and your brain makes a story about that circumstance and thoughts about that circumstance, which makes you feel doubtful, which makes you feel fearful, which makes you feel not enough, which makes you feel like a fraud.
08:31 And so the nervous system gets disjointed. It gets out of alignment. And what happens? Your beliefs start to shift towards a, a more neck towards a more negative perspective. Your beliefs about yourself, your beliefs, about your leadership value. Start getting skewed and mixed up with your self value. You start feeling like you're going to be found out and that all this was luck. And when you behave or act from those feelings, those actions or behaviors are going to create negative results in your leadership. That's a problem that is a lack of internal safety, which we call in the organizational culture. We call this psychological safety where you do not feel safe in your own title, in your own role as a leader in your own organization. And so it's very interesting what happens in the mind when we interpret information. And when we take on these circumstances, as factual as this is the way it is, there's no changing this person.
09:48 I'm always going to be undermined. I'm always going to be disrespected. So this is just one example of what happens when a woman moves into a new level of leadership. So here is that prospect, right? That client, well, she became a client after that phone call. So she's a mid-level manager who is now wanting more. She's wanting to move into new opportunities and create new opportunities, opportunities for herself. And so what's happening to her currently is this disruption of who she was her identity as a mid-level manager. So the disruption is happening in her belief systems, in her value systems right now. And so what that is doing it is creating unsafety. It's creating a feeling of internal disruption. Something is happening within her. She's feeling doubt. She's feeling fear. She's feeling like she's a fraud. So that adage new level, new devil. So as you are moving to new levels of your life, things will come up that you never thought would ever come up.
10:58 This happens to women along their path to leadership, new level, new devil. So just because she's in the C-suite many believe that she does not have problems, that she's not challenged, like the rest of us on the contrary, she is probably more challenged, but also has more resilience because she has been in the game a little longer. And she has put herself in positions of risk, much more than someone who's just starting their leadership journey. So know that as you move into new levels of leadership, new opportunities that you've created for yourself, there will be some kind of disruption. And this is where coaching provides you support. And as my current client who was on that call, she said, I'm ready, but I don't have the tools to get me there. What got me here will not get me there. And those are the tools I want.
12:03 And I said, we just need to assess your skillset today, your mindset today, and the strategies today, because we want to compare where you're at today to this new leadership opportunity. There's a gap. Of course, there's a gap. And what coaching does is closes that gap so that you get to really navigate the waters as we are swimming to, to the other side of the bank, right to the other side of the river. And so really coaching is the bridge between one side of that river and the other side of that river. And so new level, new devil is really my focus in masters of leadership because this program is designed for anyone, like I said, called to lead and serve. And who wants the status? Who wants to have the formal title, who wants to be rewarded very well for the work she's doing for that organization.
13:08 And she wants to feel safe in her nervous system, meaning she feels confident in her ability to lead. She is resourceful because she knows how to find a solution to any problem. She is certain that she is able to create high performing teams that she's able to give what her employees need to reach their objectives, to reach team goals. And so masters of leadership fulfills that gap from where you are now to where you wanna be. And we do that through lots of coaching. So executive coaching really, that's the level of quality that you're going to receive because when my client pleaded that case and said, you must work with me. And here's why I really understood that there's a big need. And that I, I was doing a disservice to the rest of us who want more, who are ready for more, who are ready to take the challenge, because we know we're, we're capable.
14:20 Those are the women that belong in masters of leadership. So if you are someone who is at a mid-level manager position, and you are in your organization, looking at opportunities right now that are wide open for you, you definitely need to join me inside masters of leadership. I also want to invite the emerging leader. The emerging leader is someone who despite her age, because in the leadership industry, we call emerging leaders, anybody younger than 30 years old. But my definition is anyone who, because of the pandemic has now seen for themselves, lots of opportunities that they believe they can fulfill and that they can create for themselves. I, an emerging leader, someone who was, who wasn't a leader before, who didn't oversee a budget, who did not oversee employees, who didn't have the title of, of a, of a leader, but is now prepared or wants to prepare themselves.
15:28 She's decided I'm going to make this leap. I, I believe in myself and here are the opportunities that are presented and I want to move in that direction, but what do I need? What skillset mindset and strategies do I need to close that gap? So you see how masters of leadership is designed for again, foundation is anyone who's called to lead and serve who identifies as a woman or socialized as such. That's really the number one qualifier, but there are other layers of, of, of qualities of women who want to be in this membership. And I want for you to join and see for yourself if this is going to benefit. And I know it will, but you need to see this for yourself so that you can experience what coaching is like. It's very transformative. You're going to bring real time, challenging situations or circumstances or obstacles right now, currently in your leadership practice.
16:37 And you're gonna bring those conundrums to our call and we're gonna solve them. We're gonna get right to it. You're going to receive master classes that are designed honestly, for Ivy league quality. Listen, my curriculum is, I'm very proud of it. It's based on four disciplines, neuroscience, feminist theory, leadership theory, and coaching psychology and everything is evidence based. I'm a researcher, I'm an academic. So there's, there's nothing I'm gonna present to you. That's like not founded on science but the goal of these master classes is to provide you with, with new theory, with new ideas that you will then go implement, right? Cause what's the point of a good theory. If you can't implement the son of a bitch, right? So you're going to take a theory and we're going to put it into practice with a workshop. So you have a masterclass and a companion workshop to take care of the implementation process and then coaching in between.
17:40 It is the best design that I could think of right here right now to serve a woman who's called to lead and serve. Honestly, this is what I can provide you with, which is the best quality teaching, the best quality research and my coaching brain stop. It's incredible. It will, you will have a phenomenal experience that I can promise you. And if you don't, you cancel, who cares. We'll see you. When we see you. If you wanna join us later in your, you know, on your path to leadership down the road, we're gonna be here. I'm not here to, you know, keep you hostage, hold you hostage. No we're sovereign women. We're grown women. We're autonomous women and we know what we need. And you're gonna come into the membership with that, understanding that you're gonna get the best that you can get out of this program because it's on you.
18:35 That's your responsibility. I am responsible for bringing you the best, most advanced current provocative research on leadership for women. That's my role, your role, your responsibility is to come open-minded and ready, ready for more because you deserve it. All right. My friend, executive coaching and training for all, for all women who are called to lead and to serve, but you come correct. Meaning you come with your chin high, your crown on your chest, proud and your spine erect. Seriously. That's who I want in this membership. I want some of the most powerful women who are ready to learn because I am ready to serve you. You deserve this. My friend, check out masters of leadership on my website. I'm looking forward to serving you there. This is your opportunity to get executive coaching. Whether you are in the C-suite or not, this is the opportunity and I hope you seizes it. All right, friend, have a fantastic rest of your week. I'll catch you on the next episode. Take good care. Hey, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, you have to join me inside my exclusive coaching membership for women in leadership,
20:00 Just like you.
20:03 I wanna help you become a masterful leader
20:05 With the help of a
20:07 Community of the most powerful women on this planet. My membership is called masters of
20:12 Leadership. Yes, of course it would be called that
20:15 . So whether you're a novice or a master, you have to join us. You're gonna get the support that you need and deserve inside my membership. So head over to Dr. Denise simpson.com/m
20:30 O L.
20:31 That website again is Dr. Denise simpson.com/m
20:37 O L.
20:39 You deserve this, my friend. So join us inside. See you soon.