Check out the Amplify Leadership program!

88. Sovereign Leader Mastermind

The Sovereign Leader Mastermind is here!

The opportunity to work with a coach who has been in your shoes and has experienced parallel lives with you is here. Learn about this new one-on-one coaching container for an 8-week immersion with yours truly. 

On this episode, you'll learn the definition of Sovereignty and how this applies to your work as a leader. You'll  also learn how to the program will help you manage your internal landscape- i.e., beliefs, values, mindset- so you can manage the external landscape of leadership- i.e., how your skillset and strategies impact your followers' behavior and team results.

You can feel confident, certain, and in full authority of your mind so you can inspire your followers, impact your organization's bottom line, and create a legacy of service and contribution.

You can have this when you choose to work with me in the Sovereign Leader Mastermind. 

Tune in now to learn more!


Get on my email list now! Submit your email address and grab my exclusive guide of The 15 Values of A Masterful Leader. Every leader makes decisions from their values. Values are unconscious and unaware to you, UNTIL NOW. Learn how to be a deliberate leader by using these values to inspire and influence your employees' behaviors. It's FREE and you get access here! 


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