Check out the Amplify Leadership program!

84. Boundaries

Setting boundaries is self-care. As women leaders, setting boundaries with those that we serve--our family, our followers, and our community members---is critical for self-sustainability.

On this episode, you"ll learn the power of the word NO and how to stop compromising your desires in your personal and professional life.

This episode will help you identify the needs you've been neglecting, set boundaries around these needs, and how to enforce these new boundaries. Begin by choosing the area of your life to focus on, evaluate your current desires, and identify what boundaries are needed to fulfill these desires. 

Tune in now to get started! 


Get on my email list now! Submit your email address and grab my exclusive guide on The 15 Values of A Masterful Leader. Every leader makes decisions from their values. Values are unconscious and unaware to you, UNTIL NOW. Learn how to be a deliberate leader by using these values to inspire and influence your employees' behaviors. It's FREE and you get access here! 


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