00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, a master life and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power. So they can lead like visionaries influence with grace and create a, a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems, navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you are ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for you. So let's get started.
00:47 Welcome back. My friend. I have a really great show for you today. I say that all the time. Don't I, I think I do, but today's a really good one because I wanna present to you this idea that you are a leader and a coach. Cool. Right? You are leader and coach. So before you like freak out and your nervous system gets really clouded here. I just want to explain why these two words are synonymous and that you are in essence, these ideals put into one person, you are these two concepts and you show up every day as a leader and a coach. Now leadership looks like you inspiring and influencing your employees to take action towards an objective towards a goal. Well, coaching is you leading and inspiring your employees or clients. In my case to take action towards a goal or an objective.
01:56 You, my friend are both leader and coach. And here's, what's exciting about this idea is that you get to look at this approach in a more humanistic way. It's like, it's us humanizing this whole idea of leadership, right? Cuz there's a leader. There's hierarchy. You have all your subordinates below you. They answer to you, you know, depending on how your is. It's, you know, one way communication, which is usually top to bottom, right? If you're in a more horizontal type of communication, then you have all of your employees at the same level as you and you're communicating in, in that back and forth direction, that's much more healthier by the way. And so come coaching is that idea that you are peer to peer, that you are face to face, that you are at the same level. There's no hierarchy involved in any of this.
02:56 And that's the type of leadership that I've seen be the most successful. The most impactful, the most influential that you can be is this coaching approach where you are at the same level with your employees. I know for those of you who are going, wait, what you mean? I work this hard to be a at the top of the mountain at the top of the food chain. And now you want me to come back down, listen, if that's your attitude, then you and I definitely need to work together. We will. We will walk through that and, and, and straighten that out because your employees deserve a coach. They view as leader and coach. So I like to describe leadership as mindset plus skillset equals strategy, right? The mindset of the leader, where are her beliefs? Are they incongruence with her values systems? Are they in congruence with the mission and vision of the organization?
04:06 What is she thinking on a daily basis? What emotions come up when she thinks certain thoughts about her employees, about her leadership identity and her role in the organization and what is, what action does she take from those emotions? So I look at the leader's mindset plus her skillset. I'm looking at if she has the skills and by the way, leadership skills are buildable. You can create them. You can build upon them. You can improve upon them. The skills are the easy part. It's really the mindset. That's the kicker for most of my clients, but the skills you can get anywhere, honestly. So when you put the mindset, plus the skillset of the leader, that equals strategy, that's what she's implementing every day. It's a combination of those two variables that equals her behavior and her actions and what she's implementing among her people. But here's, what's really, really important to know leadership.
05:12 Doesn't stop there, right? Most people think it stops there. I have the mindset, I have the skillset and I have strategy. That's all I need know. It is not the most important element of leadership. I believe aside from the mindset of the leader is this power dynamic between leader and follower. It's the diad of leader and follower that I am an expert in. This is where I get to help you put all, all of those things together, the mindset, the skillset, and the strategies, and then implement them so that your followers are inspired and they're influenced by your leadership to go and put these actions into place, to behave from a certain place of belief because you've done all the work, right? That's what's important. Leadership is not a one way street. Leadership is about dynamics dynamics in a relationship, the relationship between you and your employee.
06:18 Think about this. You're a leader you want to be highly influential. You want to inspire your employees to take inspired action. Well, that's interesting, isn't it? I bet you think that because you have a title and because you have formal duties that your employees automatically need to jump through hoops for you. That is not the case. You tell me how that's working out for you today. In some cases you have employees that say, yes, ma'am no ma'am and they do whatever you want them to do. And they won't question it because they, they have apathy. They actually don't care and they're pretty bored. And they're looking for their next job. And then you have the disruptors. These are the employees that will not take it lying down. They're gonna challenge you every step of the way they think they know better than you. Those are fun to work with.
07:12 They really are, but you have different characters. You have different people, different brains, different belief systems, different bias, different prejudice, different discriminatory tendencies, right? Your, your employees are individual humans with their own personalities and their own moods, their own ways of thinking and looking at life and looking at their role in the organization. And they're dynamic to you, their relationship to you. And so you, as the leader needs to now take on fully this approach of coaching. Again, going back to the idea of humanizing, humanizing, this whole concept of leadership. That's what has been missing in this industry is that we don't look at our employees at, as, as resourceful, whole and complete individuals. We, we think lots of things about our employees. And I bet you, you're not thinking that they're as brilliant as you that's. When the coaching kicks in coaching, you get to look at your employees in their most highest, greatest potential.
08:25 You believe that they are resourceful. You believe that they are whole and complete just the way they are, that they are capable of doing their jobs without you micromanaging. Of course, direction is important, but you're not hovering over them. You're not a helicopter leader. That's the last thing you want for yourself. And that's something you don't wanna do for your employees. Coaching is about looking at individuals as whole resource, one complete beans. That's what it is. It's you believing in them when they don't believe it for themselves? It's you helping them hold onto a belief that they are capable and that they belong in this organization. Despite what crazy stuff their brain is telling them, you're holding these beliefs for them. That's what a coach does for her clients. That's what you, as a coach will do for your employees. You lead your people like they are people, not robots, not sheep, not animals.
09:33 These are human beings with human brains. You help them see for them, the beliefs that are holding them back, you guide them through creating a new belief system, and then you help them align their behaviors with these new beliefs. That's what you ultimately do as a leader and coach. So again, leadership doesn't job at that first part where you've worked on your mindset, you worked on your skillset and now you can strategize. That's not what leadership is all about. It's very important. However, but that's just the beginning of your role as a leader, because that is the inside job. That's the solitary role that you play as a leader, all the behind the scenes stuff, the mindset work, the building of your skillset, going to trainings, leadership, development sessions, workshops, hiring a coach like me, a phenomenal one at that to help you then strategize on a daily basis.
10:38 That's important, but that's not all that leadership entails. The hard part of leadership is inspiring. Your employees is helping them believe for themselves, something different, something new. It's you cutting through all that noise, chatter, all that, all that mind chatter that their brains present to them. I mean, think about it. If you and I, and your employees are thinking 65,000 plus thoughts a day, can you imagine the crap that they're thinking? Because I know the crap I'm thinking, and maybe the crap you're thinking they're humans with the human brain. So there's a lot of thought errors happening. There's a filtration system that they use just like you and I use, we are filtering information on a daily basis. It depends on how much capacity our brains have to retain information. They're humans. They're thinking about their children, just like you are. They're thinking about what's for dinner, perhaps like you are. They're thinking about the bills that they have to pay. They're thinking about the jerk in the mail room or the, you know, the jerk in the other department who doesn't wanna share information with them who doesn't wanna share a report or two with them. They're thinking about all these things. They're distracting. They're busy thinking of other things, but because they're human, not because they're imperfect, but because they're human, this is the humanizing part of leadership. Once again, it's something that we modern leaders need to incorporate into our daily practice.
12:24 We were raised on really bad leadership tendencies on really selfless, lifeless, careless. I deals of leadership. I can name a dozen or so leaders that I've had in my past experiences who had no business leading a soul, they didn't know how to lead their own mind. They didn't know what leadership entailed. They thought it ended at strategy. And because they had that title, their employees must obey. That is not how we do leadership around here. We humanize this field and we start by one person at a time. So this is going to take some work. This is going to require a leader who cares a leader who is disciplined. She wants the best for herself and her employees. She wants to lead her people to greatness. She wants to lead them with integrity. And she's always, always, always checking on her own limiting beliefs, her own emotional regulation with skill sets.
13:38 How has she built or has yet to build what strategies are in place, but more importantly, how does she want to lead her people to greatness? Because she's capable of it because she believes in her people because she trusts in their ability to of others. She's ready to be an example of what is possible. She's ready. And if you, my friend are thinking well, crap. I don't think I have those variables built out. I may not be as confident in my mindset. I may not have all the skillset I need. Well, hell I, I don't even have strategies. How am I supposed to lead people then? How do I get to that second part of leadership where I am coaching my people and developing stronger relationships with them through my coaching abilities. And you're probably also thinking my goodness, how do I even begin to help someone believe in themselves?
14:45 How do I even move them to take action from a, a new place of believing something different? What does that even look like? I know, I know. I just, I dropped a lot of information on you just now, but I'll leave you with this. My friend, this is the conversation that we leaders need to have. This is a conversation that leads to humanize this field. This is the work that we get to do. We're privileged and blessed to do this work. You have chosen the path of leadership. Don't you want to be the greatest leader that you can possibly be. If your answer is yes, then hang tight. My friend, this is the spot to be right here. Every single week on this podcast, I will provide you information and resources and skillset and mindset and strategy and ways for you to coach your people to greatness.
15:46 You hang tight here with me. I obsess over this, by the way, this is why I do what I, I do because our people deserve better. You deserve to be the best that you can be. And I get to help you do that. All right, my friend, I hope you enjoy today's show. Let me know how much by subscribing and leaving a warm review here, actually ever. You're listening to this. It could be on Google place, Stitcher, Spotify, iTunes, wherever you're listening to this, I would greatly appreciate a warm review from you to show that you are enjoying this information that it's resonating with you. This is how I will know that I doing a great job for you. All right, my friend, I'm wishing you a fantastic week and I will catch you on the next episode. Take good care.
16:47 Hey, before you go, I have a special gift to share with you. It is my exclusive guide on the 15 values of a masterful leader that it's right, these values are what drive. Every decision you make, they motivate every action you take as a leader. So don't lead this to chance. You gotta know what 15 values masterful leaders use to develop their influence, inspire their followers and impact their organizations. So head over to my show notes, grab this exclusive guide as AP it'll be delivered in your email box as soon as possible. I'll see you inside.