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75. When You Doubt Your Ability to Lead

When you doubt your ability to lead, your actions will produce low-quality, debilitating returns as a leader.

Heres' why: Self-doubt is an emotion conjured up by your thoughts.

Thoughts about your leadership or inability to lead.

Thoughts about your capacity or incapacity to serve others.

Thoughts about your intelligence or incompetence.

And many more thoughts. 

On today's episode, I share my personal experiences with self-doubt. I'll show you how to recognize those belief systems by the emotions you are feeling. Feeling like self-doubt, uncertainty, or fraudulence are your warning signs to look at the beliefs or thoughts holding you back from showing up as the influential and powerful leader that you know you can be. Tune in to learn this and so much more! 

Head over to grab my exclusive guide on The 15 Values of A Masterful Leader. Every leader makes decisions from their values. Values are unconscious and unaware to you, UNTIL NOW. Learn how to be a deliberate leader by using these values to inspire and influence your employees' behaviors. It's FREE and you get access here! 


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