00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, a master life and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power. So they can lead like visionaries influence with grace, create a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems, navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you are ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for you. So let's get started.
00:46 Hey there. Welcome back. My friend. Listen, I'm so excited. I am out of the closet. I am out of the closet. Finally. I was recording in my podcast. Yes, my master bedroom closet. What's mine. My husband is not in there since the day we moved into this house 10 plus years ago. This is my closet has always been and I converted into a podcast studio. I know I was cramed in there. I had to stand up. I couldn't sit down. I get comfortable. I couldn't put in a desk or a chair, so I am now finally out of the closet and now into my husband's podcast studio fun, right? Oh my God. So I have a comfortable chair. I have a blanket over me. I have my hot tea next to me. Great recording equipment. I'm just like in heaven here. I feel like such a queen finally, but I've paid my dues.
01:50 I don't know how many episodes I did in that closet, 70 something, but I'm now here and I am going to enjoy this even more. So I think, yeah, I don't know. Just changing up a little bit about my surroundings and um, really embracing this new little space that I get to share with him. So, hi. How are you? Let's talk about what I know to be true. Listen, I start every one of these mini episodes with, I don't know a lot about a lot of things. I don't, I don't know a lot about out math. Although statistics at, at the highest level of statistics. I know very well. Obviously I'm a researcher PhD in this crap, so hello. Um, but I don't don't know like algebra. I really don't. I know, I know geometry. I know trigonometry. I know calculus, obviously statistics, but I don't know, like basic stuff.
02:47 I also don't know literature. Yeah. I'm almost embarrassed to say that, you know, I've just, I was never interested in that and um, just didn't spend a lot of time doing that while I was in school. So I don't know a lot about a lot of things. I do know certain things, very, very specific linear things. but I know a lot about leadership and women in leadership in particular. So that is where all of my energy, all of my focus is spent. This is where I primarily do my research in is where I help my clients in. Um, this is, this is my realm of expertise. Yeah, no one can take that away from me. I've earned that title, my friend. So when I come to you with what I know to be true, it's what I know to be true about women in leadership and yes, how we use our brains, how we make decision, how we show up energetically into our roles, you know, our, our leadership value that we bring to the organization and all the things, all the things that impact women in particular.
03:51 And we get to do that through this many series called what I know to be true. And today we're gonna talk about your actions. What I know to be true about your actions are right leaders. So brace yourself, your actions, which is also your behaviors, all of your behaviors, all of the actions that you take or do not take, cuz even in action is an action. it really is all of those actions and behaviors come from your emotions. I know isn't that just absolute bonkers. Like when you think about this, everything you do or do not do is fueled by an emotion or an emotion you think you're going to have, right? Like we do things because we think we're gonna feel a certain way when we get to that end result. That's not always the case. It's always the emotion that is fueling the action that you need to pay close attention to because you can take action from an emotion of desperation and then get an end result of fulfillment, right?
04:57 The journey doesn't work. That way, you don't start with one negative emotion and then you get the result and you create something positive. Like I think about this in my own life. When I was on a career trajectory to jump into the C-suite and thought, okay, that's it. I got my eye on the prize. This is it. And, and on that journey was so much personal sacrifice. There was so much pain and grief and sorrow within my own self, within my own neurology that getting to that C-suite was killing me. I was killing myself over it. Seriously. Like my body was shutting down. I had so many complications with my blood work with, with my weight and all the things I was sacrificing so much for my career. And thank goodness I got the coaching on that because there was no way I was going to create fulfillment in the C-suite when the entire journey was fueled by this, you know, dread and pain and sorrow and grief.
05:59 Absolutely. No way. This is why women go, wait a minute, wait a minute. This sucks. I want nothing to do with this life anymore. I wanna change the trajectory of my career. I wanna quit my job. I wanna do this. I wanna do that because cuz this journey was not worth it, right? Like how many times have you said that? Like you get to the, the, the summit, right? You summit the mountain and you're like, wait a minute. This was not worth it. Are you kidding me? That was so painful. And I don't wanna do this ever again. So we must pay attention to the emotion that are fueling our journeys. So this is why it's important that we look at the actions we're taking right now as leaders are you being fueled by an emotion of fulfillment, an emotion of power, an emotion of energy, an emotion of, of, of compassion fill in the blank.
07:01 Are you being fueled by an emotion that feels so good in your body? And by the way, I've said this many times, and I'm gonna say this again. And again, emotions and feelings. We use those two words interchangeably around here. The is just a byproduct of an emotion. When you think of thought the emotion then triggers neurochemicals into your body causing a sensation, a feeling in your body somewhere, right? Like when you think of power, where do you feel that in your body? Like for me, it's in my gut, it's in my solar plexes. Ugh. And it feels so good. How about when you think a thought that creates an emotion of love, where do you feel that? Do you feel that in your heart chakra right in your center of the center of your chest? Like does it explode? Does it feel like, you know, you just wanna share it with everybody?
07:57 Like tell me, right me what, what emotions conjure up these exciting, powerful, loving feelings in your body. Right? Think of the thought the emotion is then created. And then the feeling is expressed in your body physically. And when you feel power, what actions do you take from that emotion or from that feeling in your body? Right. Like for me, part of my daily download that I do every day, mental hygiene for leaders, again, go check out that video on Instagram. It's very short, by the way, it's only just a few minutes, few minutes long. But what I get to do is download and purge everything that I carried into the, from the day before. Right? Cause I, for today to be a clean slate, I want to leave the past in the past. I wanna create from this moment or for my future, not creating from the past, I will never do that.
08:50 I have evidence of a lot of successful things in my life, but where I'm going, my brain has never seen before. So we wanna leave what, what we went through the day before there. We wanna leave it there so that we start with a clean slate. And so when I do my daily downloads, I pull out a thought, a thought that I wanna maybe investigate further one that I'm getting curious about like, well the, this one keeps popping up. I wonder why. And then I check in with, well, what emotion is that thought creating and the feeling in my body. Hmm. Is it worry? Is it scarcity? Is it desperation? Is it defeat? Is it sorrow? Is it grief? Is it shame? Is it guilt? Ooh. Okay. So then I check in with that feeling because I know for a fact the actions I'm going to take from those negative emotions and for me, cuz I know myself so well, these emotions lead me to eating.
09:50 Yeah. I want to numb those negative emotions with food. I know body, I know my brain. It is something that I've used to defend myself. Whenever my nervous system feels threatened. I am immediately eating food to soothe the brain and the neurochemicals in my brain and in my body. So that's what I know for myself to be true. But that doesn't mean I don't don't I don't investigate it further. Right. It, it's not something that's concrete. It's something that I can challenge and which is what I'm doing all the time. I'm always onto my brain when I feel a negative emotion, because I know the actions that fuel that are fueled from these negative emotions. So now let's look at you. What actions or behaviors do you want to challenge? Do you want to put under the microscope? Do you wanna get curious about, are you someone like me?
10:47 We use food to numb or soothe, whatever negative emotion comes up. Are you someone who, you know, maybe shops maybe over shops. Right? I used to do that. So when I was trying to minimize my eating, I went straight to Amazon and it's like, Ooh, catching myself there too. The actions I took were to shop away, shop hours on Amazon. Like the most ridiculous stuff that I never needed. It's like really box of would come in and I'm like, okay, we gotta do something about this brain. And, and now my, my brain's finding another way to soothe and to secrete dopamine into my brain, to soothe whatever negative emotion I'm feeling. So I can always tell when I'm up and down by my food intake, by my shopping, um, something I've been focused really, really closely on with my coach is my health and wellness.
11:45 Something I will always keep a priority that will always be a priority for me. Uh, my health is my wealth. That's how I view my body. That's how I view my brain. And I will invest in a good coach to help me with my personal problems, with my personal challenges. So back to you, my friend, what behaviors, what actions are you taking? And more importantly, are they fueled by a negative emotion or a positive emotion? This my friend is worth the work. You've got to take time to do this work because the results you're creating are from these actions or inactions that you are not taking a result is always the byproduct of your belief systems. The thoughts that are inspired or influenced by those belief systems and those thoughts create those emotions that are fueling your action or inaction and ultimately the results you want in your life.
12:45 So start looking at the results in your life. What actions did you take or not take to get this result? So pay attention to your results leader, take a look at your life. Take a look at the results you've created in your body, in your intimacy, in your personal finances, in your faith, in your spirituality, in your personal growth and development in your professional growth and development in your career, check your results and reverse engineer. Look at the actions you took that got you that result. And this my dear leader is what I know to be true.
13:24 Hey, before you go, I have a special gift to share with you. It is my exclusive guide on the 15 values of a masterful leader. That's right. These values are what drive. Every to decision you make. They motivate every action you take as a leader. So don't lead this to chance. You gotta know what 15 values masterful leaders use to develop their influence, inspire their followers and impact their organizations. So head over to my show notes, grab this exclusive guide as AP it'll be delivered in your box as soon as possible. I'll see you inside.