Check out the Amplify Leadership program!

73. Women and Their Allies

Who are your allies? Can you identify your first supporters, advocates, or allies in your life or career?

These are the supporters who held belief for you when it was hard to do on your own. These are the supporters who helped you advance forward in your career. These are the people who advocate for your growth and expansion as a human. 

On today's episode, Dr. Denise shows you how to recognize those who have championed you on your leadership journey. Learn how to advocate women in your organization by finding mentors or mentees, celebrating their accomplishments, and allowing women's ideas be heard. Learn these strategies and more on today's episode. 

Take a listen and then join Dr. Denise on Instagram @drdenisesimpson to continue the conversation.

Head over to the Next Level Progress program for high-achieving and ambitious female leaders ready to reach their next level of success in life, leadership, and career. It's a FREE program with lifetime access created for women like you! Click here now to enroll for free.


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