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72. What I Know To Be True: Beliefs

Welcome to the new mini-series, What I Know to Be True!

Not because Dr. Denise KNOWS EVERYTHING, but because she knows leadership and women in leadership in particular. 

You'll receive a short episode of things she has found to be true as she serves her leadership clients. These episodes are designed to provoke deep insights and intense emotions.

On today's mini-episode, Dr. Denise shares the truth about your belief systems.  

You have the right to challenge your beliefs at any point in your life! Especially if a belief is impeding your growth and expansion. Learn how to evaluate a belief and how your beliefs fuel your daily thoughts. Check in with the results you've created in your life and the breadcrumbs your belief systems have left. 

Take a listen and then join Dr. Denise over on Instagram @drdenisesimpson to continue the conversation.

Head over to the Next Level Progress program for high-achieving and ambitious female leaders ready to reach their next level of success in life, leadership, and career. It's a FREE program with lifetime access created for women like you! Click here now to enroll for free.


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