Check out the Amplify Leadership program!

71. Let Me Re-Introduce Myself

New year, new attitude on life and leadership! 

Same passion, same mission to help women in leadership.

As a new or seasoned follower of the teachings of Dr. Denise Simpson, this episode is an opportunity to learn the latest news and direction straight from Dr. Denise herself.

On today's episode, Dr. Denise re-introduces herself and provides upcoming updates on an exciting new program called Sovereign Leadership.

To get on her VIP waitlist to be the first to know when Sovereign Leadership opens, go here:

Dr. Denise invites you to continue the conversation over on Instagram @drdenisesimpson.

Head over to the Next Level Progress program for high-achieving and ambitious female leaders ready to reach their next level of success in life, leadership, and career. It's a FREE program with lifetime access created for women like you! Click here now to enroll for free.


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