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70. What I Know To Be True: Emotions

Welcome to the new mini-series, What I Know to Be True!

Not because Dr. Denise KNOWS EVERYTHING, but because she knows leadership and women in leadership in particular. 

You'll receive a short episode of things she has found to be true as she serves her leadership clients. These episodes are designed to provoke deep insights and intense emotions.

On today's mini-episode, Dr. Denise shares the truth about using your emotions in all leadership decision making.  

She's busting the myth that women should not lead because of how emotional they are. On the contrary, your emotions are your greatest asset in leadership and according to neuroscience, inescapable!

Take a listen and then join Dr. Denise over on Instagram @drdenisesimpson to continue the conversation.

Head over to the Next Level Progress program for high-achieving and ambitious female leaders ready to reach their next level of success in life, leadership, and career. It's a FREE program with lifetime access created for women like you! Click here now to enroll for free.



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