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65. Leadership is Service

What do you think of when you hear the word LEADERSHIP?

Do you think of power and formal titles that are associated with money and perks? Or do you think of serving others and uplifting others on their individual journeys?

On today's episode, Dr. Denise shows you a new to think about leadership. One that is synonymous with helping others be their highest versions of themselves! 

If you're in a position of power or authority because of your leadership role, you MUST listen to this episode. 

This episode will help you return to your original intent of leadership. It's a great one, you can't miss!

Dr. Denise invites you to continue the conversation over on Instagram @drdenisesimpson.

Head over to the Masters of Leadership program, the exclusive program for women leaders supported through life coaching and leadership development. Go to to enroll today!



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