00:08 Hi, I'm Denise Simpson, master life and leadership coach who helps women step into their authentic and feminine power. So they can lead like visionaries influence with grace and create a legacy of contribution and service. You'll hear about real leadership clients with real problems, navigating their success in life, business, and career. If you're ready to become a masterful leader, then this podcast was made for you. So let's get started.
00:45 [inaudible]
00:46 Hey, what is happening? My friend. Let's talk about your career. What's your relationship like with your career? Is it a lover? Are you happy to see it? Do you jump for joy? When it knocks at your door, do you run every day into the arms of this career? Are you having coffee with it? Is it a best friend? Is it someone you can confide in? Does this relationship with your career feel fulfilling? I know it's kind of interesting to think of a career relationship like this, but listen, you have a relationship to a lot of things. Well, first of all, the relationship you have with yourself, the most important relationship ever, but you, my friend, you have a relationship with your body, your health and wellness. You have a relationship with your finances, the money that's in your bank account right now, or the investments or that portfolio that you've been building for the last 10, 15, 20 years.
01:53 What's your relationship like with your lover or your partner? Is it fulfilling? Is it sexy? Is it delicious? What is your relationship with food? Do you use it for fuel? Do you use it to fuel your temple, your body? Cause you have a strong relationship with our body. What's your relationship like with food? Do you abuse it? Do you use its fullest potential? What's your relationship like with the government? Do you agree with it? Do you disagree with it? Are you fighting with it all the time or do you love what it stands for and how it defends? You see, you have relationships with lots of things in your life course. Your relationship with your brain yourself is the most important. It's what I help my leaders discover for themselves. I help them find a wearness around their beliefs, their conditioning, their programs, and how that affects their relationship or the relationship they want to have with themselves. That's what I ultimately work on with my clients, but something that has come up the past year and a half or so, is this relationship with career?
03:22 Do they love this relationship with their career? Are they enjoying it? Are they skipping to work every day? Are they loving the collaboration and innovation that takes place in their organizations? Do they understand fully their role in this entity, in this organization at all? That is part of the relationship that they have with career. And we've been talking extensively about this particular relationship, because this is the relationship that has caused a whole lot of heartache. A lot of anxiety, depression, a lot of pressure, and my clients are ready to end the relationship with career. They think that by ending this relationship, this current relationship with career and starting a new one that that's going to fix all of their anxiety, all of their exhaustion, they think that their burnout will immediately disappear because they've ended one career and have started another. And what I get to do with my women leaders is we get to talk about their thoughts, their beliefs, their feelings about this particular relationship.
04:55 Now, a lot of my clients have chosen to leave their careers and to start new ones. I had one amazing client who left a 30 year career in medicine to start a travel blog. She is traveling through the pandemic and blogging about restrictions and what COVID has done to some of these areas in Europe and how, you know, travel has been impacted and how the culture has impact has been impacted by COVID and all these very interesting nuances that I would never have learned had she not ended one career and started a new one. But here's what was interesting about this particular case was that we worked so hard on she finding fulfillment in her current standing before she decided to leave. Because what I didn't want for her to do is take action from feelings of defeat, feelings of loneliness, feelings of pressure. I wanted for her to adjust her mindset, to adjust her thoughts about her current relationship with her, with her career before she made the, the decision to end it, because this is what I have found to be true.
06:25 That when we are in a relationship that is, is unfulfilling, that is causing more harm than good. And we immediately want to jump out of that relationship because we want to stop the pain. We want to stop the discomfort and go and jump into another one. We want to end this one and jump into another one because we think that on the other side is bliss is joy is fulfillment, but you take your heart and your brain everywhere you go. So if you don't resolve this problem with this relationship first, then that second one is going to repeat itself. It will reflect, and you will be a projection of everything that you needed to deal with in that first relationship. So I always say resolve what you need to resolve right here, right now in this relationship. And by the way, this goes for any relationship, relationship with your finances, relationship with your lover relationship, with your body relationship, with your career, right? Figure out what we need to do right here, right now in this relationship. Get your mind right about the current relationship. Resolve it there. Before you make a decision from empowerment, a decision that is confident, a decision that feels right, a decision that feels so good to you, that you can't resist, but explore another relationship.
07:52 So jot down some notes here. My friend, I want for you to ask yourself, what is my current relationship with my career? What thoughts come up for you when you think this question? When you ask yourself this question, what thoughts come up for you? What emotions are coming up for you? I want for you to get very clear on labeling or identifying this current relationship. Is this relationship with your career fickle one day. It's great. The next day it sucks. Is this relationship with your career filled with axed, uncertainty, maybe some overwhelm, maybe some pressure, or are you in a place where you can say this relationship is strong and it is loving and it is truly fulfilling. Now I know not black or white, right? It's not all fulfilling. And it's not all dread that there's these variations in between. And sometimes depending on the season, you're in career could be a little more challenging than others.
09:07 I get that much. But overall, what is this relationship like for you? What is it giving you? Because a relationship is two ways, right? You know, you're giving in and, and the relationship is giving back. How is this career giving back to you? Is it providing you with this beautiful home that you live in? Is it providing you with tuition to send to your college age kid? Is this, is this, you know, relationship providing you with the luxuries, the privilege that you deserve, what is this relationship giving back to you? Is it giving you meaning? Is it giving you purpose? So look at it overall, not the nitty gritty of your daily operations, you know, fly up above the whole situation, about 30,000 feet above the relationship and find what is, what is fulfilling or what is not fulfilling? What is this relationship giving you or what is it taking from you?
10:10 Is it taking your wellbeing? Is it taking your mental health and physical wellbeing? Is it depleting your spiritual wellness? What is it taking from you time with your lover time with your partner time with your children? Is it demanding? Is it like a five-year-old toddler yelling and screaming to get your attention? What is that relationship taking from you? So start exploring what it's giving you, what it's taking from you. And ultimately, is it something that you want to continue? Is this relationship worthy of working on like a partnership, like a marriage, or is this relationship ready to be dissolved on your terms in the best way possible that suits your decision? So start looking at where you want to go from here.
11:12 You know, this pandemic has pushed out nearly 3 million women out of the workforce here in the United States. I'm so devastated by the number. And I know this firsthand from my women clients, my women leaders who are burnt out and they're exhausted. They're under so much pressure, not only in the organization, but at home. You know, these are women who have aging parents and younger children. These are women who are single parents who are doing the best. They can alone. Some clients of mine have had their ex spouses terminated or laid off from their drums. And so that has affected child support. So financial pressure has been added to already so much pressure that this pandemic has put upon women. And so I want to do what I can for those who have either been laid off or those who are feeling this pressure of, of leaving their roles.
12:26 I want to be able to serve you in any way I can. And we're going to start with this work that we're doing today, this exercise that I'd like for you to do for yourself, because this will determine the direction you take. This will determine the trajectory you go in. If you find yourself right now, unemployed, I want for you to reach out to me because I want to see about providing some type of scholarship for you to either work with me or to work with a nonprofit that I'm closely attached and associated to. It is a program called Latina power network. And we serve Latino women who are wanting to really develop their leadership skills, to find positions of power. That's our ultimate goal is to put women in positions of power. And so if you are a woman who would like my support, reach out to me, if you are a Latino woman who would like to consider, or like to be considered for some type of educational scholarship to a leadership program, also reach out to me because there are more ways that we can help you during this time to help you develop your skills, to help you get prepared for this career transition.
13:56 But first things first though, my friend, you have to do the work and finding really, truly the relationship you want with your career. Do you have it now? Is it repairable? Is it something that you can, can, can fix? Is it something that you can modify reframe? I say, yes. I say yes. And it's going to take some coaching to do that, but if you've packed your bags and you're ready to leave the organization and you're ready to break up or divorce this career, then do it on your terms and make sure you're doing it from a place of empowerment and not from a place of pressure or overwhelm. That's important. All right, my friend, I hope you found today's episode helpful. I just wanted to come on here with you to talk specifically about relationship with your career and, and that you do have the power to rethink your relationship with your career.
14:58 Just like you have the power to reevaluate reassess all of your relationships, but specifically your career and how it is affecting or not affecting your mental, physical, spiritual, emotional wellbeing. You are my priority. And I want to make sure that you make decisions from an empowered space instead of one of pressure and one of anxiety or overwhelmed. All right, my friend, you know where to reach me DME at Dr. Denise Simpson, I'm there to support you anytime and reach out to me. Should you need support in regards to a scholarship or some type of, um, financial assistance with some type of educational program? Um, either in my Institute or with the Latino power network, all right, my friend, thanks so much. Enjoy your week. Take care.
16:04 Hey, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, you have to join me inside my exclusive coaching membership for women in leadership, just like you. I want to help you become a masterful leader with the help of a community of the most powerful women on this planet. My membership is called masters of leadership. Yes, of course it would be called that. So whether you're a novice or a master, you have to join us. You're going to get the support that you need and deserve inside my membership. So head over to Dr. Denise simpson.com forward slash M O L. That website again is Dr. Denise johnson.com forward slash M O L. You deserve this, my friend. So join us inside. See you soon.